Chauncey Holder
Chauncey Holder
training to be a good artist
Activity Feed
Chauncey Holder
From watching the previous video and this one. I think I applied the correct flow. This pretty new to me
Melanie Scearce
Yes, you got the right idea. The curvy blob shapes you have here are very strong. Great use of overlap. For the ginger root, it might help to find the hierarchy of shapes so you can build your cross contours off of that organically. That biggest shape at the base is supporting the three other shapes, so that's a good starting point. Find the cross contours on that shape and figure the flow out from the shape into the smaller shapes.
Chauncey Holder
I watching this was pretty neat, i think my lines, boxes and blobs got a bit better.
Chauncey Holder
Tried to apply more what I learned from the demooo.
Chauncey Holder
I really liked thiisss
Rachel Dawn Owens
Great work curving some of the boxes. Looks like you had fun.
Chauncey Holder
One I did from reference and one did without looking for reference it's still pretty challenging after Crqitue but I'll keep practicing till I get it!
Chauncey Holder
The video really helped! I see some improvement im gonna practice a lot more with it though.
Chauncey Holder
First timing trying it. It was extremely diffcult- with the wheels
Chauncey Holder
After doing them I think I got the hang of them. It's a bit easier to do after revewing the criqtue
Chauncey Holder
After Reviewing the demo.. I think I did a bit better on the boxed. Still have trouble with certain angles I believe.
Chauncey Holder
This really challenged me but it was very fun
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