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Janou Baarda
added comment inProject - Simple Animal Portraits
Asked for help
This was great. Decided to finish the banana monkey in the left under. Thnx for the inspiration and good lesson Stan!
Janou Baarda
Asked for help
I wanted to do a line weight master study of Loish or Gretlusky, because I see them as my 'art parents', but it was way to intimidating for me. I didn't know where to begin and start panicking, so I thought, let's just go with Stan and also do the Jeff Watts drawing. I used a super sharpened HB pencil so I quite struggled to get the right lines, especially the softer ones, but it made me really think about how to create them and I think that's the point. I know that the proportions aren't right. Can someone tell me if I did right or what I did wrong. Thanks in advance!
Grant Schowalter
Asked for help
My pre demo and post demo attempts. I think I took simplification a little too literally in the first attempt lol. Glad to see some quick improvement though. Let me know where I can improve.
Jordan Ferretti
Asked for help
I'm excited by how much I learned just doing this first assignment twice! The second drawing was after watching the demo and critique videos. I feel like I improved the shape design, but still struggled with understanding and expressing the shapes of reflected light in the shadows. Pencil control and grouping values into light/shadow families improved a bit more on the second drawing as well. Any feedback is welcome.
Logan H
Continued practice with some other photos. The tip on viewing things as being in an “envelope” helped a lot.
Janou Baarda
Asked for help
I filled in three pages total! Loved the warmup. Kind of addictive to create a good and different mushroom each time. :)
Janou Baarda
Asked for help
Hi! My first attemt. I found it very hard to just use straight lines so it was a bit a search. I would like to get some critique. Thnx in advance.