Janou Baarda
Janou Baarda
The Netherlands
Neurodivergent 🐦‍⬛
Activity Feed
These lessons gave me a lot. The ebook, demos, and critiques were all so useful. Before taking the basic drawing course, I studied gestures from Figure Drawing Fundamentals, but now I understand it much better and feel more confident. Thank you so much for these lessons, and I can't wait to start the new topic about perspective!
Janou Baarda
Amazing work!
Rynhardt van Vuuren
Hi Stan, The course is brilliant and it helps. I often feel I am simply not pouring enough time into it! I am honestly struggling to feel like I am making progress with it all, the dynamic shapes part was difficult and now this hah. Lets keep going. Things are tough when you're a slow learning and have to rewatch things constantly. Just writing this for those out there that might seem discouraged. Just keep going! Even if you feel you're not really getting it or making progress! Keep going. <3 (Neuro spicy ftw)
Janou Baarda
Aaaaah neurodivergent here also! It is honestly very very hard for me. I have to rewatch all the time, read the notes again and draw again. Usually I learn a lot (I can see that when I watch my work a couple of weeks later) but in the moment itself it feels like I am not making any progress at all. I understand now I have to practice all subjects a LOT. But it’s difficult, I feel you. It’s not the course tho, the course is great
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2024/11/10. Good Morning Patrick, good morning everybody. I'd like to share the second bundle of drawings I made from Patrick "The Anatomy of Style 2". Drawing Patrick artworks is always a wonderful experience!! Thanks.
Janou Baarda
Sumit Gupta
Are there any plans to add notes to this lesson?
Janou Baarda
In await for that too
Janou Baarda
This was great. Decided to finish the banana monkey in the left under. Thnx for the inspiration and good lesson Stan!
Love it
Jim H
Those are really cool!
Melanie Scearce
Awesome characters. I really love the banana monkey and the chunky monkey.
Janou Baarda
My version in blue… (obviously🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Stefan Sharkov
Great attempt. I would add the lines that darken the clothes, they have a unique texture to them compared to the rest of the lines.
Janou Baarda
I wanted to do a line weight master study of Loish or Gretlusky, because I see them as my 'art parents', but it was way to intimidating for me. I didn't know where to begin and start panicking, so I thought, let's just go with Stan and also do the Jeff Watts drawing. I used a super sharpened HB pencil so I quite struggled to get the right lines, especially the softer ones, but it made me really think about how to create them and I think that's the point. I know that the proportions aren't right. Can someone tell me if I did right or what I did wrong. Thanks in advance!
Stefan Sharkov
This is a good attempt. You managed to capture the variety of Jeff Watt's lines clearly with this study. My advice is to get the accuracy of the lines down. Jeff Watts's skull is more dynamic due to the strategic shifts in line-weight.
Janou Baarda
Grant Schowalter
My pre demo and post demo attempts. I think I took simplification a little too literally in the first attempt lol. Glad to see some quick improvement though. Let me know where I can improve.
Janou Baarda
I do like the planes on your first attempt. I'm really struggling with those. :p
Jordan Ferretti
I'm excited by how much I learned just doing this first assignment twice! The second drawing was after watching the demo and critique videos. I feel like I improved the shape design, but still struggled with understanding and expressing the shapes of reflected light in the shadows. Pencil control and grouping values into light/shadow families improved a bit more on the second drawing as well. Any feedback is welcome.
Janou Baarda
This is really good!
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