May Berry
May Berry
Activity Feed
May Berry
Practiced this for 10 days. I found a reference photo with a higher contrast. I overlayed the construction drawing with tracing paper and made 2 versions of the same reference photo: 1 black and white, and the other blurred. I still struggle with seeing value and applying it to the drawing. I might need to do some practice from the beginner course.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I think you’re on the right track. It’s really nice how you simplified and contained the shapes of value. The proportions look great too. Below is a demo on how I might break down the shading from this reference- If I was using graphite or charcoal, my final drawing would have maybe came out more organic looking. Processing the drawing this way made it come out rather stiff, but I wanted to make the ideas clear. Learning to draw means learning about how light works. It can seem complicated at first, but it all makes sense if you think about it. Light shines down on the subject and then bounces all over the forms and then back towards the viewer. Drawing is all about creating the illusion of 3d forms on a 2d surface. Understanding value is a big part of that and it looks like you’re getting it. Great study! Keep it up 👍
May Berry
Asked for help
Worked on 2 Poses. I compared each drawing using Concepts on my ipad, then overlayed my drawing with a fixed version. I used cranial units loosely, and paid more attention to proportions, plumb lines, and negative shapes.
May Berry
May Berry
Here's my attempt
Melanie Scearce
Your proportions in the torso are spot on, nice job. The legs are a bit long. I made notes to show where the knees and feet should be in proportion. If you like your figures to have longer legs, go for it! The key is to make it a conscious decision.
May Berry
May Berry
Some unbalanced poses I referenced. I didn't invent any pose, so this is my 'Level 1' submission.
May Berry
2 Weeks of practice. A = Attempt on my own. D = Demo'd with video
May Berry
Still need a lot of practice with this. I wasn't really satisfied with my fruits, ginger, and animals, so I went back and drew some pottery and blobs. On that attempt tried being looser and wrapping the cross-contour lines around the form properly.
Blobs and the cups look great. I struggle with this too. For me it helps to first ghost in the ellipse to get the direction and angle. Then I usually refine the cross contour. Maybe that will help you as well
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