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added comment inCritique - Line Master Studies
Another Joshua Black study. Original artwork on the left, followed by my study and then my initial lay-in.
I need to do quite a bit of lay-in work to establish where everything should go before starting the actual line quality study. My lay-in lines and process are surely different from the artist who I’m studying, but I find it difficult to focus on their technique until I have a solid foundation.
I found it very difficult to simplify forms into basic CSI lines! I just can’t seem to stop myself from refining. I think I need to practice this a lot more in order to internalize the lesson and gain confidence in my line work without concerning myself with measurements and perspective.
The posture isn't quite right, he has too much hair and his ear is too small, but I'm pretty happy with this.
I think this is a good attempt. I think the proportions are fine especially for this project when Stan doesn't want us to be pinpoint accurate with proportions. The values are good and can identify all 5 for this project.