Drawing FundamentalsImagesRepliesLast activityActivity
Can you really improve by just "doing more"...
Hi all. I know this question has probably been asked by a number of us on our art journeys. We've heard it referred to as "mileage". But, can you really improve at drawing just by doing more drawing?
I was a pro golfer for a while. I remember when I wanted to improve my swing, it was a process of learning, practicing, and refining. If I just hit 1,000 golf balls in a row it was more detrimental to my swing than anything. My body would tire out and I would reinforce bad habits.
Today I saw a YT video that suggested drawing 60 1-minute gestures every day. So I gave it a go. I got through 30 of them before I couldn't even tell what my lines were representing anymore. It was too much, too fast. I was just drawing ANYTHING to beat the timer.
I think the answer lies in the gray area (most debates do, I think). I think it would be better to make 15 5-minute gestures. Do 5 of them and go back and correct things before doing the next 5. As you get better, then speed it up a bit.
I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts! What's your practice routine? It doesn't have to be gesture drawing specifically.
10 hours ago
Gesture Drawing
I need help. For the past 7 years, trying to learn Gesture Drawing has always lead me to horrible burn-out, stress and a long break from drawing (2-3 months to a year). It's coming to the point where I have really started to believe that it is hopeless, a person of my age (40) has no hope to pick this skill I was forbidden to learn as a kid, and always envied.
I have had successes in prior years, and some really good drawings in the past (especially in 2022), and while I am still bad at drawing, this year (starting April of 2024) I saw improvement. With patience and insistence, I could draw. And slowly, bit by bit, I did improve. Coming to this summer's challenge, and the exercises in MV perspective course, I really felt I had a chance to break through the stalemate, and finally start creating my stories.
But, like the past 7 years, Gesture comes in, and beats me to a pulp. After stressful session of horrid failure after stressful session of horrid failure, 0 progress, and 3 full courses behind (plus one ongoing, with mr Hampton), this time I really felt I am just worthless when it comes to Gesture. I just don't get it. It's impossible to me to make anything resembling what I see other students and artists do.
I feel stressed beyond belief. I am about to give a lifelong dream, but I honestly feel it's hopeless now. And this time my vow stands, if I burn-out/give-up, it's over for good. No more courses, no more videos, no more pencil and paper.
So, I turn to anyone who might have any idea, in a final desperate attempt. Is there ANYTHING that could help me make even the tiniest bit of progress, something to give me hope (aside from words) that I am not truly hopeless? Any technique?
I attach my horrid failures for reference. I do not ask for critique explicitly. My "attempts" are so worthless, critiquing them would be like offering anger management lessons to a feral cat. But if anyone has been in my position, and overcame it, I welcome any advice.
16 hours ago
By Tom
Hi Guys! Let me please share with you my recent artwork that I was pleasantly excited about. I am planning to post,,behind- the- content phase as well (will be found on my website), because that is, what is by my opinion, the most interesting part of creating any art.
This work has especially brought me to places where I felt being back in school. I have been studying both- construction, planning, executing ideas, designing and many other aspects of bringing this piece to life, but also the sensible art of decisions taking- or also not taking in our daily lives! How much is that influence by adjusting and going with nature. Therefore we need to adjust and find the balance.
There is no time to be wasted. And so why not put sensible incomes in our deeds/ art? That I think matters the most!
So this artwork is a compass 🧭 (a reminder). An orientation towards health. A sensible piece of following nature and adjusting to nature, instead of going against it.
As a compass this has arrows too, yet five. Instead of four! And this compass cannot be deflected by any magnet. It always changes and that never changes.
Showing us energy going up during the spring until it reaches the peak- summer- then it goes down to late summer and all animals start to collect food and prepare for autumn- arrows going to the center. And then winter comes. Self reflection moment, hibernation time.
This represents the daily cycle as well. Morning, noon, late noon, evening and night 😴
I hope it will inspire you.
1 day ago
#240212 Practice / study drawings. RSB sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Various refs. among them Loomis, Woodward and Michael Hampton.
4 days ago
Line Master Studies - Goats!
By @ethel
I don’t know why I gravitated to goats for this :) I could have worked on these forever, in a good way - but thankfully I have to go on a trip for 10 days & I wanted to get these post-able before then. Seeing them side-by-side like this I can see some adjustments :) I included some, but not all, of Picasso’s search lines. Maybe I should have left in more of my own … I haven’t watched the demo or critique videos yet. Maybe I’ll try again once I have when I get back. This was fun!
6 days ago
Ink and inkwash
By Yoshi Oda
Im still practicing how to be better at ink and inkwash but sometimes is looks muddy or not as good as I wanted it to be so I was wondering if I can get some feedback on what to do or recommendations on how to go about it
1 week ago
Beginner going through fundamentals course
By @mguasch
I am a beginner doing the fundamentals course and I see submissions were done back in 2023. The question is, when doing the exercises, do I still submit my attempts or do I just keep them to myself?
1 week ago
Learning to sketch from imagination :(
By @ethel
He mentioned it might be too tough, but I wanted to give it a shot anyway. Posting this feels a bit uncomfortable since it's pretty bad, but trying it did give me some insight. I'm glad I went through with the exercise, even though it was kind of disheartening.
I also need to get more comfortable sharing things, instead of holding back because I think it's not good enough, so here you go.
It was hard partly because I can’t rotate or change the perspective at will. I also kept forgetting to focus on line quality, so I think I need to learn to be more relaxed with my lines. I have this urge to measure everything. The ability of instructors to assess angles, distances, and lengths is so natural to them - it’s all pretty intuitive at their level but from here if I don’t measure everything then it all turns out wonky.
1 week ago
Portrait Drawings Started
By Jake
I'm doing Proko's Portrait course, trying to go in open minded with no assumptions but it's proving tricky.
So far I have just covered the videos on the Loomis method.
Are the drawing exercises meant to be done of random heads (minus features) from your imagination, say, just a featureless head pointing in random directions? That might be where I am going wrong.
I think I find the size/shape of the chin tricky as well. I know my drawings aren't great, they'll need repetition. I would just appreciate being told anything glaringly obvious, with respect to the course that I am following.
Lastly, is it ok if I keep updating this thread as I progress through the course?
1 week ago
Draftsmen S1E04 What are the Fundamentals? Q: regarding Chart
TL:DR At the 3:55 mark of the video on YT, Stan starts refering to a chart (flowchart) of study/courses projections to be rolled out. This gets referenced a few more times throughout the podcast. So my question is have ya'll formalized this and put it on the site? If so where? If not would you consider making one?
I am a few years younger than Marshall, and I've created and progressed through the practice of art beginning in 7th grade. But I only took two years in high school. And then only off and on I would art (drawing primarily for fun and gave away many portraits, but again, these periods were quite sporatic throughout my work career. My most recent drawing activity was going through Lesson 3 in Drawabox some four years ago. Since then I've dabbled in Watercolor and acrylic. I'm now WFH and have decided to take it up again. I stumbled upon your pod cast a few days ago, and have since go to your website. See the above.
I consider myself somewhere on the path between beginner and intermediate. I'd like to try some of your free lessons, and then evaluate 5W1H coursework. But I'm overwhelmed with content choices, and my brain isn't wired the way to easily navigate.
Thanks in Advance!
2 weeks ago
Lines, lines, lines!
By phobiak
Boot and snail were done before watching Prokos video frog and other shoe after.
3 weeks ago
Sketchbook drawings
I want to share some of my drawings. Feel free to critique or share your thoughts. I’ve been stagnant for a while now, so I’m hoping that this change will help me improve.
3 weeks ago
What order should I take Proko courses in?
Hi I'm taking the drawing basics course, what course do you suggest I take after this?
3 weeks ago
Rebooting my art learing journey - feedback appreciated
By Geert-Jan
So i've been practicing drawing (almost) daily for the last 2 years or so. But I lack focus and structure. After listening to the draftmen podcast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od1xbX2ESP8). I've decided to bring in more structure. The podcast mentions this Redit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/learnart/comments/dapk62/from_the_guy_who_made_the_most_comprehensive_list/) with a full curriculum. My challenge will be to follow this curriculum as close as possible.
I've created this topic mostly to keep myself accountable. But i will post created work regulary, and any feedback/ critique from you guys is greatly appreciated!
Some personal info:
-39 years old
-fulltime job outside art
-On average i have 1 hour each day to practise (a bit more in the weekends)
-Not a native English speaker, so please forgive me the grammar and spelling mistakes :)
The first unit is figure drawing. I've already followed Stan's figure drawing course before, so im revisiting the course. Here are some 2 minute and 30 second gesture drawings (drawn in Procreate). Please let me know what you think of them.
3 weeks ago
Learning to Sketch from Observation: Penguin, Cartoon & Hand Exercise
By @ethel
Here is are my drawings from the Learning to Sketch from Observation exercise. I almost never draw flat - I almost always use an easel for various reasons. I can also be, I think, too uptight & I'm trying to loosen up. Not sure if it's working yet LOL
4 weeks ago
I need feedback
Hello everyone I need feedback regarding likeness I wanted to get the likeness accurate but I feel like I messed it up so can y'all give me feedback regarding why I messed it up
1 month ago
🤔 How to figure out tilt of a cube?
By Tom
Ok. Let me share with you my recent artwork. An amazing experience that has come from studying a Chinese cultural and their approach to life through observing a nature that resulted in many of theirs tools.
One of them is their astrology- worth to study! Extremely interesting topic and study case! That can be useful in our lives. Well that is topic not for now-
what I have done, was turning this study Into an artwork.and where I started to sense problems, was- when I supposed to tilt a perfect cube in perspective that I made. Well! Not the difficult first part: one vanishing point stays the same. In this case- on demonstration below- what I mean.
Other sets of lines going to an opposite side on the horizon line is also not difficult to determine- just very simple- how much I want to have a new cube tilted. No problem.
But! What is going to happen with last set of lines? Those who are going down? Is it 45 degree? 52 degree? Where is that vp? In relationship to the rest of the vanishing points?
You may say- use 3d program. Yeah, sure! But for know- I want to understand. Is there any measuring method that can be applied? Thank you very much.
1 month ago
Converting this 2D shape to 3D
By K. C.
Hey guys,
I’m trying to convert a rough 2D sketch idea/thumbnail into a 3D shape similar to the attached reference. I’m having a tough time trying to visualize how to transform this into 3d in the style of the attached.
Wondering if anyone could offer some tips and guidance on how I could go about this?
1 month ago
First and second attempt of the portrait.
By phobiak
It turned out decent for someone who dosent remember last time they drew a person. Not perfect but Im happy that i at least improved a bit compared to first one.
1 month ago
Pear Before & After
By @ethel
2 pictures - 1st (rounder) was done before watching the demo & the 2nd one was done after ...
1 month ago
Boots & Snail
By @ethel
I dd the boots first, snail second. I think maybe I made the boots too complicated.
1 month ago
Not sure what went wrong?
By Brandon
After the recent project in the perspective course, I decided to start a challenge in choosing 14 different objects to draw in different angles. On 9th day of the challenge, I got sick and dizzy, kind of turned into creative mode, doddles and scribbles and stopped the challenge.
The image below is a character that I created, I am satisfied with the front of it, but for the 3/4 view and the side view, the character seems like a different person, and I don't know what went wrong....
1 month ago
I would appriciate any feedback :)
By phobiak
The one one the left is before i watched the video and Proko drawing the pare and one on the right is second attempt. Only thing i can see wrong is a too big core shadow, but thats probably my fault for not taking a picture of pear with less texture. XD
1 month ago
3 portraits asking for critiques
By David Neto
I did all 3 with smudging tools, I know, I do intend, however on doing a final one with sharp tools. but first I'd like some help and a critique on this 3 drawing and day evolution.
thanks guys!
1 month ago
How to Creat a Randomized Timed Slideshow for Figure Drawing
Hi everyone! I created this tutorial on how to create a randomized slideshow of images that are timed. The program is free, all you need is windows. Sorry mac users :(.
I wasn't able to upload images to this post but I went ahead and added all the steps. If you want to follow along with images you can checkout the post I made on my website.
What I want to do is get a randomized selection of these images and show them for only a certain time. I could just pick images at random and have a separate timer going on my watch but the problem is that I tend to pick poses that I know how to draw. Plus I tend to work a little bit longer than I should on each pose. I want technology to do the work for me so I can just focus on making the best gestures possible. Here is how.
1 Organize Your Images
You can use any images for this but the key here is to add all the images you want in your slideshow to a folder. I’ve put all the figure images from Proko.com in a folder on my desktop. What is great about irfanview is that it will show a slideshow of images in multiple nested folders if you choose.
2 Download irfanview
Here is the website. You will want the 64bit version. https://www.irfanview.com/
3 Install irfanView
Double click the .exe file you downloaded and run through all the prompts to get it installed.
4 Setup a slideshow
- After opening irfanView you will see the main screen.
- Click on the slideshow icon at the top left.
- Here is the screen where we will setup our slideshow.
- Use the navigation at the top right to find your images folder you setup in step 1.
- Click the “Add all” button and all your images in the folder chosen will be added to the slideshow.
- Next, choose the “Random after [___] seconds” option at the top left. Then add your transitions time. I have mine set to 120.00 seconds which equals 2 minutes.
- Then set your play mode. If you want full screen just choose the “Play in full screen mode (current monitor). If you would like to play the slideshow in a smaller window choose “Play in window mode” and pick your width, height and if you want it centered. You can even set an x and y position here if you choose.
- Lastly, hit the “Play Slideshow” button.
Bam! Your slideshow is playing and will transition at your set time.
If you want to stop the slideshow just hit the escape button on your keyboard.
I hope that is helpful!
1 month ago
Discord for Drawing Fundamentals
Is there already a discord server somewhere for peer review and motivation? The social aspect is a bonus as well.
If not, I'm planning on making a small one. If you would like the link, please reply here with your reasons for buying the course and how long youre hoping to take to complete it.
You don't need premium to join. You just have to be serious about improving.
1 month ago
Gesture drawing help / critique please...
Hi guys, what do you think about this gesture. I found it difficult to find rythms and flow in this pose, specially in the legs, I think.
2 months ago
Hand strain/fatigue
By Tommy Pinedo
Hey guys! It’s Tommy again. So recently I’ve been noticing that I have been having some pain and fatigue in my drawing hand (right hand) for maybe the past month or so. I’ve been worried because I’ve done some research and it could be signs of carpal tunnel or RSI. I think I’ve been holding my pencil wrong with the death grip like they say and I might be drawing more with my wrists than my whole arm.
Any advice or suggestions on how to avoid this issue or help with this issue? I’ve seen videos of artist drawing very lightly and hold it further back on the pencil and I tried it today and it feels like I don’t have “control” on my art compared to gripping it harder and I don’t want to draw to light where you can’t see it lol. I’ve been really worried about this because I’ve been enjoy art the past year and I don’t want this to stop me…or end my art journey :(.
2 months ago
Please give me feedback
Hello everyone in the following piece can y'all give me your feedback on hand
2 months ago
Pear Critique
By Maya Posey
If someone could give me some valuable advice on things that i need to work on. I try so hard not to overthink the task.
2 months ago
Sketchbooks reccommednation
By Tommy Pinedo
Hey guys! I am more than halfway done with my sketchbooks with all the time and practice I have been putting in because of the drawing basics course. I was wondering what sketchbooks do you guys like to use? any you guys reccommened? any to avoid? lol
I am currently using the strathmore recycled paper sketchbook, and I have used the Canson XL sketchbook both 9 by 12. I want to explore other brands or types of sketchbooks so feel free to post your thoughts please! :)
Lastly, I will only be doing pencil so I don't plan on using color pencils for this yet lol.
2 months ago
Need reassurance as I’m losing confidence and focus on where to go next
Is there a difference between drawing forms, and drawing forms *in perspective*?
Like drawing forms knowing they don’t really make sense just for the heck of it?
I’m very new to drawing but I’m dipping my toes into perspective. I don’t have anyone to show my mistakes, so I thought I’d come here for guidance. Line work is very sloppy but I’m still trying to figure out how to hold my pencil comfortably.
2 months ago
New To The Community
By Maya Posey
Hello everyone,
Im new to the community. I found the course on YouTube. I am going to continue the course there in the mean time. But I most definitely am going to utilize this site. Look forward to commenting and sharing on her with everyone.
2 months ago
I am Sharing a tree: From start to end
By Tom
Hi. Let me share with you my recent drawing. This idea has started by the previous drawing. Where I was gonna fit a tree In. But how to design and draw tree to an extent, where I will be happy with? I had to admit. I do not know how to do it! I went on online discussion places, talked to other artists, especially you guys from here helped me and provides me feedback. but my curiosity attracted also people who love trees! Who spent their time with them and who were that kind to share with my their observation. All informations I started to gather and went to create my own tree. I was very fascinated about making some interesting shapes. A twisted trunk felt right to me. I have gathered my notes and studies I have done in my free time. I am doing it also for my own but for you guys too. To benefit from my effort as well. If you want to become closer to master drawing trees! I hope this will help you. But trees will teach you far more about drawing, than just knowing how to draw trees👍 I would like to say- enjoy. Let me please know if you have any questions, remarks, or feedback. Thank you. Have a great day.
2 months ago
Best way to do proko courses
Hi everyone,
I’m currently taking the Marvel Comics course, but I’m not really interested in superheroes. My main goal is to learn how to create my own comics using techniques from the best in the industry.
As part of the course, there’s an assignment to draw a Black Panther and Spider-Man comic. However, I think it would be more fun and meaningful to use my own characters instead.
I’m considering creating a comic based on the biblical story of Jacob wrestling with the angel. It feels like a more personal challenge since I’d need to design the characters from scratch.
Should I stick with the original assignment, or is it okay to branch out and work on my own idea?
2 months ago
My first lemon needs critique
By Tino Latzko
2 months ago
Form of the Brow Ridge
How can I draw the form (or indicate) the brow ridge in this front facing skull drawing?
2 months ago
Skull Study
What are some things I should incorporate in my skull study? Currently, I’m only drawing the skull over and over to see the underlying form, but I believe I missing out on something important.
2 months ago
I need help with my figure
By @noak7
I drew this character, i want to learn how to draw the full body, so where is the best for me to learn them a course etc, and also i would like a critique
2 months ago
Eye can’t see it.
I’m not certain how I can create more detail in the eyes without shading. Why would you suggest?
2 months ago
Figure Drawing Feedback
Hi! I've been going through the Figure Drawing series trying to improve my drawings of humans. So far, I just finished the video about using the "robo bean" to give structure to the torso. Attached are some figures I drew using what I learned so far from the series (gesture, structure, landmarks, etc). My main goal with them is to portray the structure of these models whiles still maintaining the gesture of their poses. I would appreciate any advice regarding this or really anything else about these drawings. I tried my best to not completely erase the "robo bean" for these figures so that it's clear how I constructed the torso. Thanks in advance for any help!
2 months ago
My art journey
By matt barton
2025 is going to be the year I really take my art seriously. Time to git gud.
This is todays gesture drawing practice: 45secs
2 months ago
Need a critique! (Feedback)
Hello. I made a New Year’s resolution to draw more this year. Right now I’m on the robo bean exercise. I need some feedback on my current ones I have attempted. What can I do better? What’s not working? Feedback is appreciated!
2 months ago
Measuring Proportions Drawing basics practice
By Tommy Pinedo
Ive been practicing the measuring proportions part in drawing basics and Its been tough for me. Ive watched the demo, and eyeballing video several times to write down notes and get a good understand on what to do. This is a practice I did using a reference and I am alright with it. I tried to make her look pretty exactly like the reference but I just like im still far from it. I only focused on the face and didn't go detail on the hands or hair.
This took me about 2 hours to complete. I think my main problem is that I am expecting this to be a finish work of art. I would like to get a critique on this practice I did because I want to improve.
Lastly, I am curious why Stan decided to go with the mapping or laying out approach when doing this portrait practice. When I was practicing I was wondering how come we don't do the loomis method or something similar to get the face right? My guess is because using the loomis method requires us to think 3D? I am still on the shapes chapter and did not get to perspectives yet.
Anyways any feedback or critique would be great! :)
2 months ago
Can anyone give feedback
The following are gesture practices and these were done using a refference
2 months ago
figure studies
By matt barton
working on a few form studies tonight. struggled a bit with the legs though so any tips would be very helpful
2 months ago
Feedback on what to improve
By Yoshi Oda
I've noticed sometimes by drawings in pencil looks better than in ink and I'm not really sure why. I inspire to be like Inoitoh. An artist i discovered through Instagram. My work never looks like theirs which makes sense since they are levels above me. I would like to know what i need to change to be on the right path to start heading towards that direction
2 months ago
Art Tips
Various tips to help students learn how to draw.
Ive been making a bunch of these over the last several months.
2 months ago
Can anyone give feedback
The following are the gesture drawing of animals and this time I wanted to try something new so I decided to practice feature drawing of animals and I find it slightly difficulty than humans can y,all give your feedback
2 months ago
Head Exercise
Continuing with my reilly method studies by tracing on to real life faces and adjusting the proportions to fit on different angles
After that I do 2 min head sketches mainly with loomis in mind but applying things i've learned on reilly .
Critiques on proportions , construction or general would be much appreciated !
2 months ago
I got stuck here- please help me out.
By Tom
Hi guys! I need your help. Feedback and critique. I believe that any kind of help will help me. I got stuck in this phase of my drawing/ painting. Something is missing. Yet I cannot put a finger on it. What would you change? Add?
Thank you very much
3 months ago
Learning from George Bridgman
By Max Long
This is a master study that I did last year from the Watts On Bridgman anatomy book and online course. I essentially copied Jeff Watts interpretation of a Bridgman image (master study 😁). Critiques welcome. Hopefully, one day I will be able to intuitively design anatomy like this. Cheers!
3 months ago
Progress of the Month 1
Throughout a whole month I've been practicing gesture on a daily basis. I was alternating between digital and pencil on paper, here is the firs attempts in comperison with the last day. I´ll be glad to hear any thoughts about them, if you see a progression, if I lost some qualities from the first ones, etc.
Thanks for your time!
3 months ago
First attempt at simplifying object
By @mobius1
Hello everyone I’m new here and to drawing in general. If you could give me any advice it would be much appreciated.
3 months ago
First time Doing Reilly Method and Thoughts
I recently just learned Reilly method and told to trace it on asaro head . The activity is super amazing on familiaring you on planes of the head features.
As you turn into sideview tho , I found that it will be harder to implement as the strength of the method being rhythms would be harder to implement as you go on side angle because the cues on proportions would be way different .
Still super interesting method and would love to practice this exercise more .
Critiques and Tips are super welcome . Will implement criticisms.
3 months ago
Going back to loomis head
2 mins quick sketches with some minor revisions on some at the end of the session , critiques or tips about my loomis construction or even general feedback is very welcome.
3 months ago
Figure drawing - critique requested
Hi all, I’m burnt out on this drawing, but not completely happy with it. I need a fresh set of eyes to help. Any critique’s welcome.
@Steve Lenze Steve, your comments have always been great in the past, I’m hoping you have a second to take a look. Thanks in advance!
3 months ago
Why do you want to learn how to draw?
Hello everyone!
Fellow drawing basics student here.
The question of this post is in the title - “Why do you want to learn how to draw?” I’m curious to discover what kind of reasons people might have.
You can be as concise or as detailed as you want.
Looking forward to your responses!
3 months ago
My 2 months evolution
I value every comment and opinion of you guys watching my drawings as a beginner
3 months ago
By David Bryan
I signed up for the figure drawing fundamentals class and I’m stuck on gesture drawing. I took this class to break out of my comfort zone and boy is it uncomfortable! Love the videos but my gesture drawing makes me wonder if I’m wasting my time. They never come close to what the image looks like. . I have no background in art except high school 35 years ago. lol Is it realistic to think I can do this?
3 months ago
Figure Drawing process 3
I've been practicing timed gesture for another whole week and honestly, I'm having a blast. I feel so confident with my lines, I think it's time to go to the next level and start relearning some anatomy and work with longer poses.
I also have this rendered drawing from a model, I would like to hear your opinion on this piece, I don't know how to create something that looks as professional as what Stan does on his Yoni demo, so any suggestion on that would be apreciated
(I'm working with graphite, tho).
Thank you for your time
3 months ago
Another tree, and your feedback?
By Tom
Hi guys! How is it going??
Thank you to all of who has seen my previous trees attempts and for all the feedback that I have received from.
Which was extremely helpful!
I was able to make an animated tree and has made a special device from a recycled wood and dough roller- see in attachment.
That was so much fun.
Nevertheless - here I would like to share my drawings that I try to push further.
It is just a tree, but somehow, there is so much to learn from. and I keep learning.
Let me share here with you my another work in process! What do you think? Thanks
3 months ago
Live sketch
Hello every the following sketch I made on live location the angle got changed a bit when I clicked a photograph of it and can y'all give me feedback on it like when I was drawing it there was a lot of confusion in my mind like what to draw first foreground midground or background (how to simplify the landscape when drawing live) and the trees really was a headache to draw so much complicated i really had a lot of trouble with it how do you all simplify the tree when drawing live also i struggled with getting the elevation of the bench area in the foreground can you all help me with that
3 months ago
learning perspective by watching Pokemon
Hello Guys!
how you're doing?
I hope you're well
So I was casually watching a pokemon anime, with no intention in mind, when all of the sudden I stopped in a screenshot that I found very interesting, so interesting that I decided to make a drawing to learn more about perspective and composition.
I took a print of the image I wanted (image 1) and started guessing how am I going to setup this scene, but luckily I got some clues, by the way the camera was placed by stablishing some guidelines around the environment (image 2).
Later I placed all the characters to fit inside a box(image 3), this technique I learned by studying the content of Tenten and Krenz Cushart, after doing that and being satisfied by the result now it's time to do the shading (image 4), to accentuate more the characters, and later on I decided to expand the width of my box (image 5), so that the scene becomes more wider.
it wasn't really my intention to do the background, but in the end I decided to do it anyway in order to give more depth to the scene, and this is how I finished (image 6).
I hope you guys enjoy it!
and Happy Hollidays to yall folks! ;)
3 months ago
Figure Drawing Process 2
So, this is my second post showing a little bit about my progress, I continued practicing gesture everyday during the week including some exercises from the figure drawing course. In this occasion I wanted to share wtih you some drawings on mannequinization and the bean, I'd love to hear your comments about it and any feedback is apreciated.
Thank you and have a nice day!
3 months ago
Learning/Drawing with a injury
By Darin
I have been taking the drawing fundamentals course and started the new perspective course. I am a beginner, just learning to draw for myself. Last week I ruptured the tendon in my bicep of my drawing arm (rock climbing, not drawing). This week I had surgery to repair it. My arm is probably going to be out of commission for a couple of months.
I can just pause everything and pick it up again once I am able to. I could keep watching the videos, but leaving the projects till later. Maybe I could try drawing with my left hand (sort of kidding, sort of not). Any advice on what to do with my courses until I am able to draw again? Has anyone else had to learn or practice drawing without being able to use their arm? Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.
3 months ago
Question about master line studies
By @shrimp_fry
So I am following the drawing basic courses and in the master line studies project I am a bit confused. Should I use what I learned before S, C and l lines to draw the basic shape in and then add the line weight or should I try to draw with the same line weight from the get go
3 months ago
This drawing lacking something #2
By Tom
I took the previous feedbacks that I have received from you. Thank you very much for them, that was very very helpful. Thank you!
I spent days with sketching. Understanding the form. Which has improved I must say, but. It is not yet my second nature. So it is not going that fast, when draw. Yet I try to be loose, slow, and enjoy drawing.
well. I took again a tree here. Because I love to draw them. So much to learn from them as well. And I have ended up with lineart, that I was quitte happy.
But! Somehow colours made it less attractive and it was obvious a part, where I struggled with and started to loose patience and confidence.
I would like to ask you for your feedback. Tips, do you recognise this problem too?
Anything that crosses your mind.
Thank you very much!
cheers, Tom.
3 months ago
Gesture Drawings 1
Hi everyone, this is my first post here in the community.
I would like to make a habit of showing my practices and final pieces on the internet so thought that starting here was a great idea.
These are some timed practice exercises that I wanted to share with you. The aim was capturing the gesture, so any tips regarding this specific topic would be apreciated. Thanks.
3 months ago
Pear project. Critique please
Looking for some feedback on my drawing of pear #3
I thought I heard Stan say we needed outlines, but maybe I misheard.
4 months ago
Practicing Perspective
I did a simple construction of PS4 Controller last weekend, at first on top left I did not put center line into my ellipses so a lot of things goes wrong, on the right one, I try to place things better and observe the object more, on the bottom one I try to draw it in a different angle through imagination.
Any critics or feedback to help improve in this subject?
4 months ago
Simple Structure
Good Day. I started the Simple Structure Project of drawing a pear, but I got this far and I honestly don’t know HOW TO finish. Any suggestions?
4 months ago
Tree drawing #2 improved?
By Tom
A few days ago I have posted here my tree drawing where I was really nicely surprised by so many feedbacks I have received. I have been reading them over and over again. While I started to study more about twisted forms, trees and contours already.
That made it possible for me to draw this tree.
Am I completely satisfied with a result?
It became pretty obvious that my weakness is gesture. And I think, I have not managed to move even an inch there.
What do you think?
I will be very happy for any critique/ feedback
Thank you very much
4 months ago
By @sdavlin
First time really trying to do folds in clothing. Tried to simplify the face, but it looks a little wonky.
4 months ago
This drawing is lacking something…
By Tom
I have collected my knowledge of practicing fundamentals and blew it into this piece. A tree. I am not 100% satisfied with it. I cannot put a finger on it. But something is missing there. What do you guys think? Thanks
4 months ago
Can’ t get this right- twist!
By Tom
Ok. I have been finding a way how to have a control over a form- let’s say a tube that you twist around.
It is not that difficult when it stays straight.
Front plane become side plane
Side plane become a back
Back plane become the other side
And so on…
But what is going to happen if the form is changing the direction?
Like that?
How to connect it?🤔
That is so fat I have got.
4 months ago
Buying videos
Can I pay for just one video without buying the whole course? There's one video in this course that I'm interested in but I can't really afford the whole course.
4 months ago
Gesture and Proportion
By Josh Post
I'm currently moving through the first few lessons in the gesture drawing course, and although I've done hundreds of gestures, I think my lack poor proportion skills are throwing me off big time. My stuff will come out so warped and distorted that it completely destroys the motion and energy of the gesture.
I understand basic sighting techniques, but I'm slow with them, making it difficult to utilize in timed gesture drawings. It's also incredibly difficult to utilize these techniques when drawing from a reference thats on my phone or a smaller screen. I have to be at least an arms length from the reference, and at that point, the image is so small that sighting is difficult.
It's not just the human form that I have issues with, my sense of proportion is terrible no matter the subject. Anyone have any tips, exercises, lessons, etc that can point me in the right direction?
4 months ago
Taking notes for art classes?
By Luca Giovani
Hi everybody,
just started the Drawing Fundamentals (I'm literally drawing pears right now).
In the first videos, Stan suggests taking notes, and I think that's a good idea; problem is: I have no idea why!
I also study math and programming, and I have no issues studying and taking notes with these subjects. With visual arts, instead, I struggle to understand what I should note, and how I should note that. Should I make small drawings, since it's all about visuals? Should I note how to sharp a pencil or the difference in texture between using the side of a pencil or the tip? I don't know why, but I'm really struggling.
4 months ago
Drawing boxes
By @gimmiki
I wanted to start practicing with boxes using an ink pen so I don’t try to fix any mistakes I make and to practice perspective. I see my lines are still lacking in confidence so that’s why I’m using a pen. Can anyone help me to improve my boxes and perspective? It would be appreciated!
4 months ago
Drawing tables or just tables?
By Jerome
Hi. I am a beginner and I'd like to know what is better between a portable drawing table or any drawing table and a regular table? It seems that drawing tables make it harder for me to draw with free arm movements. Also, I need to be able to freely rotate my sketchbook. Seeking for advices please.
Thank you
4 months ago
Stan never told us what sketchbook he uses. He shared that he likes a spiral bindings, and a thick cover and shows us these but nowhere in the tools list does he actually say where to get these or what they’re called. What the heck!
5 months ago
Pear - looking for feedback
By @jlarson
Hey all!
I’m looking for feedback on my pear assignment from the Drawing Fundamentals course. Thoughts?
5 months ago
Please can anyone give feedback
Hello everyone I am drawing this for a client and I just traced the line art and did the shading based on the refference and when I sent this to the client she said that it's looking weird I don't understand why is it because of the hairs
Can anyone tell me
(It's in work in progress)
5 months ago
Still life Sunday’s
By @toph
I’m doing a challenge to get better at still lives, so I welcome anyone who wants to improve to join me!
5 months ago
Figure drawing feedback
Hey Guys,
I would be grateful for some constructive feedback of my latest figure drawing. I think it's obvious that I made some measuring mistakes in the ribcage/sternum region and the head is skew (orientation and height).
But what else is there?
And what would you recommend to focus on next I could benefit most from (besides measuring/proportions)?
Thank you guys
5 months ago