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David Neto
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I have no art director and I need to finish this illustrated og super hero novel.Title says it all, it's about a ninja-turtle-like brazilian super hero, and I really need to finish it because it has a time restraint
looking good is a necessity, but looking mid would be ok.
I'm using references, skills, graphic design skills, Blender, all the jazz, the first one is illustraton 24, the second is an idea of how the cover is going to look like, a background is still yet to be done here, and the third is ilustration 29.
I have a lot more and I can show them, if you'd like, I can show everything. but I'll keep up on these 3 first.
Thanks beforehand.
What would you like help with at this stage? I still recommend using a hard edge brush with no opacity so you can maintain control of your Shapes, Values, and Edges. What program are you using to draw?
I did all 3 with smudging tools, I know, I do intend, however on doing a final one with sharp tools. but first I'd like some help and a critique on this 3 drawing and day evolution.
thanks guys!
Hey David! I like the overall silhouette shapes you're finding with each of these pears, but your interior shapes are difficult to read. I'd recommend trying a 4th pear using only a hard edge, 100% opacity round brush, and limiting yourself to 5 values. For this exercise you want to create distinct shapes for each of the 5 values, and fit them together like a mosaic or puzzle. Using the hard round brush will keep your edges sharp, and prevent your values from blending together. When everything is softly blended the pictures tends to look blurry and without definite form. Using a low opacity brush causes your strokes to overlap which will make your values inconsistent with each overlapping stroke. Try another one using only 5 values, keeping everything hard edged, and definitely take a look at the demo and critique for this project! Hope this helps, keep up the good work!
Sorry for taking so long, here's the value study and here's a more blurred version, what do you think?