AuDHD Sleepy creature, artist, fish and shrimp Dad, 3D maker, astronomy enthusiast, gamer, homesteader
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added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Observation
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I left the construction lines in, and simplified the details, so I wouldn't trap myself into focusing on contours vs shapes and volumes, plus construction lines prevent me from becoming confused.
My biggest barrier right now is drawing shapes in a notebook or on my desk where my arm or sleeve gets caught on the spirals, paper, or edge of the desk and I have to redraw something 30 times :(
I also still struggle with pencil pressure as most of my art career i've drawn digitally and pressed really hard
Asked for help
The laces were confusing and overwhelming, my brain made up some lines and they might not make sense in my portrayal
right boot was done after watching demo, critique, and taking a break
i love snails, I actually have several (hundred) as pets!
if anyone can explain how to simplify the laces or not get lost in the details, that would be great <3
Did you say several HUNDRED snails? That's so cool haha. Where do they all live?
Your lines look a lot more confident in your second boot. In areas of complex detail I think the best thing to do is slow down and just go as fast as you're able to think. Even if you feel like you're going too slow, don't rush yourself. When your thoughts get jumbled so will your lines. Speed will increase with practice so best to form good habits in the beginning, which will compound over time. I think you did a great job with this project. Your snail looks awesome!
Tried to apply what i learned from: Project - Simplify from Observation to a still life subject that was a little more interesting to me , while learning watercolor control
Really struggled with overall using traditional materials, and being able to see 5 values was very difficult, at most i saw 4 and made up where i thought 5 (darkest) would be based on the light source.
this exercise did help a lot to be able to understand where contour lines should be placed on a 3D form, which is something i was struggling with for awhile
if i were to retry this, I'd squint or blur my eyes at the reference to simplify the shadows more easily