Henrique Romão Saito
I'm a self tought artist who started learning 3d, but realized how the art fundamentals are important and now I'm focusing on them.
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Henrique Romão Saito
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Animal studies focusing on gestureI'm now studying the book "FORCE animal drawing", and like the book focusing the 10, 5, 2 and 1 minute studies on gesture.
Now focusing more on correcting proportions and balance.
Steve Lenze
Hey Henry,
Your structural drawings are looking pretty good. You are maintaining for the most part the gesture of the pose.
The issue I'm seeing the most is proportion. Heads are too big, and limbs are too short and a few of the drawings are off balance.
I gave notes on the ones that I thought needed the most attention, but some of these are pretty nice :)
Thanks again for the critique, I didin't pay much attention to balance until now, but I'm happy my gestures are good, I will do more now paying more attention to balance and proportions.
Hey, these look pretty good, your really creating some 3D feel. Just be careful that you don't loose all the gesture or make the contour too complicated.
I took one of your drawings and did a quick sketch to show you what I mean :)
Henrique Romão Saito
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Anatomy studies, any critique? I focused also on simplifying simple shapes.