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added comment inMy attempt at Figure Drawing (help greeted)
Beautiful work @W.I.M.U! Awesome job for a first charcoal drawing attempt. You have a great value range. One thing I noticed that could help you bring more rhythm to your drawing is to emphasize the relationship of the tilt of her hips against her ribcage. It's pretty subtle in the reference image, but there is a bit of stretching and pinching happening between those two structural landmarks. Using your knowledge of anatomy, you can push those relationships to make this fairly static pose more dynamic.
Ohhh I see, I must admit I haven't really studied tosro anatomy so I'll look into it. Streches and piches are still a mystery for me haha, I'll work on that. Thank you for your time and explainations!
Hi artists, I just finished my very first attempt at charcoal figure drawing.
Am I missing ?
I feel like the bottom turned out better then the head and hair, but I don’t know how to fix that. Feedback is more than welcome !
Hi, I think it'd help if you drew them a bit bigger, like just having 5 ones done to the best of your ability covering an entire page, so that we can see it clearer. And also, this is sorta an extra step but using Canva to sorta group the references with the drawings could help, it's free too. Or maybe numbering them using the editing stuff in your phone with the corresponding picture could be cool too
Asked for help
I have been practicing the bean for a while now and I am absolutely desperate for help. It feels like I still don't quite understand how to deseing the forms or make them look enjoyable to look at .
I've been trying to focus on making them accurate, but the lines and the forms don't come out very nicely.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
My first recommendation is to get blank paper. It's much harder to read the beans on lined paper. The other is to do them bigger and make sure your using your arm to draw. The final thought is to really look at the motion before drawing, for exemple in 1 there's no real sense of them stretching up in the in the bean and the twist is missing in the bean, based on the bean I'd expect them t obe standing upright.
Steve Lenze
Yeah, you could add the line that separates the shadow from the light, and if you want you can fill it in with tone.
maybe just add shadows without the separating lines and do shadows with just line (that's just my preference) and try to make those lines as long as possible or just don't break lines too much
Asked for help
I would like some critique on these gesture drawings. Each took about 5 minutes. I have been practicing for a while but I'm still not sure if I can select the most important informations.
Finding the right lines quite mysterious for me.
Feedback is more than welcome.
You are doing great with these gestures and I would not worry about finding the ideal gesture lines. I like especially the first page. When you draw longer lines (like elongated "C" and "S" lines) then in these parts your gestures looks better.
I think you're capturing "gesture" quite well. Better than me.....I keep getting bogged down in detail. Great job!!!
Hi, I'm struggling ti add details to gesture drawing without adding too many info and thus loosing the sense of movement. If anyone could help, I would be very grateful.
Steve Lenze
These actually look pretty good, but with 2 minutes you should try to put in more information. The second drawing really gets across the gesture and rhythms of the pose, but the others are a bit stiff. Try to find those "S" and "C" curves that describe the whole pose, that is something you can do in 2 minutes. Soon that 2 minutes will feel like forever :)
Hi, sorry I can't really help you because I'm in the exact same situation as you are, getting back into drawing and all. All I can do is encourage you and say that, even though I don't know a lot, I like tour work. Keep it up !