Activity Feed
Vera Robson
Much to learn...
don't know how you do that and these re excellent. I also want to work on with my cross contour lines after reading more about Moebius' works in this course. Yours are great.
Carlos Javier Roo Soto
Here're my first 3 attempts to the assignment. I don't know if I should have use tools for this one, I unfortunately skip the lesson at tools because of the Christmas season, the busy season for Live Caricature, and I have hand problems so I decided to use my hand for work mostly. I did most of these at work taking advantage that we're in a little drought period. Let me know what you think and if I should go do the Tools assignments before going back to try again this assignment?
Nah I think these Re great, your lines seem free n have their own character.
Day 3: air fryer, this time 3 to 4 boxes to draw. This one have a simple shape, but interesting design in the form and some subtle details. Day 4: Always want to draw a bike, but it seems a sudden jump in the complexity, Improvement: 1. Seems like the ellipse are controlled well on day 4. I am happy for that. 2. Correct many times for the proportion on day 3, at least now I can see some of it. 3. I am developing my stages, like PeterHan did in the last videos, but more pencil work first. Lessons/Question: 1. I kind of know how to draw a hexagon within a square, but not sure for the octagon 2. the bike seems complicate, The body, of it I try to simply, man, that one is hard. And advice on that will be more than welcome. 3. Kind of rushed in my progress for doing the complicated 3d form(seat of the bike), i should do it in the later days of the challenge/course when my 3d sense improve more. And it s a good start.
Andres Rojas
These All look great!
Andreas Kra
Great progress and an excellent choice of objects to draw from! Finding the sweet spot between overly challenging and just challenging enough to maximize the exercise's value can be tricky, but you've done a fantastic job. Here’s my attempt: I kept it as simple as possible and reduced the bicycle to basic lines. Personally, I find using a proportional grid helpful for capturing accurate proportions. If anything is unclear, feel free to ask! We’re on this journey together—maybe it’s helpful, maybe not—but figuring it out along the way is exactly how progress happens!
I chose a duck from the Henri Rousseau painting “The Snake Charmer’ and the aeroplane from the Diego Riviera mural “Allegory of California’
This is inspiring
Day 2: need to draw 2 boxes with different sizes this time, didn't think that it would be difficult until I really tried to do it 2nd = details added; 3rd = simplified boxes lesson learned/Question to ask: 1. need to draw larger if I want to add details properly, still couldn't do it well enough if I drew it small... 2. need to draw even lighter for the blobs => boxes => details, coz I still need to erase them once before moving on from each stage 3. i think the size of the smaller box doesn't look as intended. not sure about it 4. not sure about how to do the edge of the boxes (plz see 2nd pic right side 5. I simplified the tie into 3 boxes, just try to be prepared for week 2. 1 or 2 boxes got some good line quality, so hopefully i am slightly better than yesterday.
Andreas Kra
I chose a chair from IKEA for this exercise. I hadn’t realized that nearly every item on their website is now available as a 3D model—super handy for practicing perspective! ( I challenged myself to go beyond the assignment by adding my own twist, giving me a reason to draw the chair from different perspectives. Here are my first few sketches—raw and unpolished, straight from the brainstorming phase.
Thx for the link! it would be really useful to look for props ideas and good for the project too. How come I didn't think about ikea...
I guess I will start my own 2 weeks challenge for this project Day 1: start with a simple box-like object, try to add some complexity in later days. 1st pic = blob approach, 2 nd pic starts to add some useful details, at the same time practice my line. Hopefully I ll improve bit by bit after these 2 weeks. Question to ask: 1. try to do square in perspective, not sure if those are or not. coz we need a circle in perspective to know that, but at the same time we need a square in perspective to know the ellipse is circle or not... kind of in a egg first or chicken first, logic loop? 2. I think I am no sure about how to draw the ellipse within an ellipse for depth measure. e.g the smallest ellipses in the 2nd pic. 3: seems like the width of the clock was not controlled well enough when I now look at them, any way to solve that or just attention to detail. Love this project and we did something similar in the basic course, now its more like a continuity of it, and thats cool.
Great job with these! Your initial forms look really solid as a base and I'm a fan of your line work on the more detailed clocks. I have wondered for a long time about that circle and square, chicken and egg thing! Very interested to hear people's take on that question
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Cool idea.. I am also going to do a lot of these. And doing something similar in the basics course helps! For the ellipse within an ellipse, you can draw a thin box, the width of the box being the distance between the inner and the outer ellipse.Then construct two ellipses on the two faces of the box and decide the overlap…kind of like in the attached image but for the clock, the square will be thinner..
Andreas Kra
Great idea to turn it into a small challenge! Looking forward to seeing your progress. Nice item choice! Will you create your own Proko community tab where others can join the journey?
Late in homework for a month... gathered lots of good pic and I picked a few artists that I was amazed by, especially Moebius's work, excessive usage in cross-contour in his line work with so much precision and interesting design, to do the assignment. I picked Moebius, Oda, Asteroid_ill and choocoshi3's pieces that are great in composition to show the vibe/tell the story and perspective related. Learnt a lot from them. and Sorry Marshall.
Day 6 or 7: Just a random sketch, the sketch felt a bit sad though, probably because of the pose? Maybe the dear is the santa, the little man is the driver like the rickshaw driver, who knows....
Haha this one was fun 😄
2 sketches today left one try to push the big medium small shape for contrast and keep finding interesting composition. I like this one a lot, except for the random ginger man... Drawing small is difficult also... Shayan is a legend for that in the previous challenge. right one is try to do some characters drawing, quite honest I m trying to draw a skinny old gnome as a Christmas gift thief, this one seems missing something but I don't even know the why/what.
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