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added comment inAssignment - What is Zero Point Perspective?!
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I found this gold dust this morning! I've just had a brief look but feel like it's related to the orthos assignment so will try and study it... Wanted to share in case any one else is into this kind of thing and hasn't found it yet!
No kidding. Thanks a lot, I also searched for some model sheets from certain animation on pinterest, but it s difficult. This really helps. At least, I found a few that I want to look into and might even explore more from there.
Really thank YOU
@Stan Prokopenko Thx for the critique. All of them are in 3 values; They blended in together, my bad. I will do the thumbnails and experiment more and also try to be cleaner in simplifying value.
Seeing that much of a variety is truly inspiring. Apart from that, I am more amazed by the reference selection coz those invoked so much emotion for me when I first looked at them. Will you have a bonus lesson on what your focus is in selecting references for any creative projects?
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My zero point perspective project! A mini Galaga cabinet.
wow, you even capture the height of the buttons, and width/depth of the screws.
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first started with a Lego car, coz it s easier to track proportion, second with a pokemon toy to challenge myself in drawing organic shapes.
It s so much trickier than I expected. Mostly I used a ruler and some unit measurements to set out the proportions.
I am truly amazed by my classmates' work and hope that I am keeping up to the standard in this course. Can't wait for the demo in teaching us to draw in 3/4, that I am still figuring out how to draw that view for the Pokemon or other organic subjects.
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Sorry for the late submission.
I chose free letters because that's what art is to me and also what I lack. I tried to do some iterations on it, and the last one went a bit too far and made a letter bird.
Anyway, I feel like I could explore more on where the vanishing point could be placed in the 2d space. While doing it, I feel like my mind keeps screaming "free", and then the free word becomes distorted to fit with my mind. But what about another vibe of the word, can the vanishing point be placed somewhere else to show a different emotion or feeling?
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Moving on to abs,
1st pic = my latest attempt, 1 study from josh black but without the shading, the other 2 are my assignment, try to see what it looks like with simplified shading
2nd pic = 2 or 3 days before, just line sketches
3rd pic = draw along
Reference pic: pics that might improve my understand about the abs
Question to ask:
1. Shading seems to allow me to better observe the forms of the abs, basically = a squished cube for males? and squished blobs for females? in cases without any prominent belly
2. the line sketches are really confusing in terms of showing the form, I never learnt anything about edges, except knowing what they look like and the terms. When I saw Stan's examples, I am amazed by them but dun even know how he did that. So if I want to use purely hard edges to show the form of the abs or muscles in general, it might not be a great choice? are there other artists out there I can learn from, for using hard edges only?
Any advice is more than welcome
Bridgman is the man when it comes to studying forms. Proko has a video on how to interpret Bridgman drawings here:
This image is from his Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. With him, it's more about the information he's presenting through his drawings than the actual line quality.
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Here, I applied the pancake method to different landscapes, experimenting with form modifications and adding variety. It’s been a lot of fun discovering interesting spaces! Below, you’ll find the more polished versions.
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Question if anyone has time: does anyone have advice for making arches with perspective rules that cross over the horizon line?
I guess we will learn that later in the course. the X plane could be a good thing to keep in mind.
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Here are my submissions.
I like the doddle nature of this exercise. One thing that I am scared of is repeating organic shapes over and over. I didn't think that I could draw any landscape in such a simple way.
I tried to use the pancake to come up with some clouds (I love them, cloud shapes can really affect my mood for a day) instead of rocks, but it turned out to be aircraft/spaceships. I guess we could call it a happy accident?
I think I need some references for the detailed version of drawing pancakes.
Thx a lot, Marshall and Philip.