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Art Stark
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Sketch Journal page 2-3. Drawing what I 'want' to draw, though not necessarily what I 'can' draw.
maciek szczech
❤️ these drawings.
maciek szczech
Asked for help
I failed 3 min practices. More refined sketches (on a second paper) done first, I spent about 10-15 min on each one. Then I have tried again spending 3 min on each pose. Random scraps of A4 size printing paper. HB mechanical pencil. Just wanted to add to arms an indication of torso.
I would say: go ahead and make your portfolio. After some more practice you would make another one and maybe replace some of your drawings or create a whole new one.
Also try as many platforms as you want and decide for yourself if this is what you are looking for.
Note how Steve Lenze drew the running person. When we normally run, our left hand in front means our right leg in front (opposite sides in front), otherwise it would be a bit difficult or rather not quite efficient? Your drawing is a bit confusing in this small detail: looking at how you have drawn the folds, it seems that his right foot and right hand are in front, even though his right foot seems to have the shape of a left foot?
Keep practising!
Thank you for letting me know i never would have noticed! I actually had the legs the other way around in the sketch but swapped them to make it more dramatic so I got a bit confused!
faye zhang
Asked for help
Reminder: everyone who posted is brave for pushing through and meeting the challenges. It’s easy for bystanders to critique, but only we know how difficult it was and the mental obstacles we had to overcome to draw. So keep at it!
The eye is too low on my drawing, but hey drawing along is not easy.
Thank you @faye zhang. Comment nesting does not allow me to reply directly under your question: Quite a long time ago, without really studying and understanding the basics that I took seriously at the beginning of this year. I hope you don't mind such an enigmatic reply, but in the end it doesn't really matter. We are all different, some will be great at what they do relatively quickly, others will not achieve much even with hard practice.. although hard practice does pay off
Hi, Sara speaking! I'm following the first lesson of this classroom and I tried to draw along the woman's figure together with the teacher (after having watched it once beforehand): that would be the figure on the left. Then I came back to it twice, stopping the video, and tried to correct the things that seemed off to me compared to the lesson's drawing (figure to the right, red for the firs batch of corrections, blue for the second. I am of course probably still wrong cause I'm "correcting" my own drawing). I decided to post because I found it very interesting how twisted is the internalised idea I have (and maybe many women alongside myself) of what the proportions of a woman should be (my take 1)! Very elongated (too elongated! especially long legs!), super high and cinched waist, awfully small head and incredibly wide hips... it was very interesting to realise how off and unrealistic are the proportions my brain believes to be the "standard" ones for women (and that maybe it feels it has to adhere to!). Just thought I'd share, if anyone else finds it interesting too :)
It's interesting what you noticed and also because of the self-conscious process / analysis. I like the quality of the lines (although sometimes repetitive) in both your drawings. Thank you for sharing and keep up practising.
maciek szczech
Asked for help
Hi Maciek,
I give you an A+!
This looks like an interesting class.
Hope all's well with you.
— Art