Project - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 1

Course In Progress

Project - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 1

Course In Progress

Deadline: Submit your assignment by 12/04/2023 for a chance to be featured in the next critique video!

For this project, you're gonna draw a room using 1-point perspective. Here's what you need to do:

Pick a Room: Draw a made-up room or use one in your house as inspiration. Make sure to pick something that you're excited to draw - restaurant, library, warehouse, server room, classroom, office with cubicles, vintage record store with a bunch of tables and boxes, laundromat, subway station, toy store, computer lab. Get creative, have fun!
Stick to 1-Point Perspective: This is all about getting the hang of 1-point perspective. It works great for rooms with straight-on views, like a kitchen with cabinets that line up with the walls.
Don't Copy a Photo: Try not to use photos as a reference except to google search what a room looks like and what things would go in the room. We want to start “building” a world out of nothing. We want to make mistakes and work through them.
Room = Box: Imagine the room as a big box. But instead of drawing the outside like you might have done before, now you're drawing the inside.
X-Ray Vision: Pretend you've got x-ray vision to help figure out the back edges and corners of the room and objects. This helps set up the perspective right. Keep those back lines lighter.
Horizon line: Remember the horizon line is the viewer’s eye level. So if you want it to seem like the viewer is standing in the room, make sure to put that vanishing point about level with where a typical person's eye line would be. If you want it to look like a dog's point of view you can put the vanishing point really low on the page.
Impractical Sink: To make me feel better about my impractical sink, you are required to make the same mistake in your drawing. Thank you.

Once you're done with the first room, try more! Remember, this is all about getting better at 1-point perspective and imagining spaces in 3D. Have fun with it and experiment with different room styles and layouts.

I started scanning my overdue homeworks and I don't know what on earth I did with the drawing of the bedroom made a few months ago. However, I found a drawing I did for fun. It's also 1-point perspective, so please pass the assignment :-)
Rachel Dawn Owens
You’re on the right track, but it’s difficult to find the horizon line here. If I were to establish it around eye level, you probably wouldn’t see the top of the fridge. The little details in the room are great. I love the ice cream, lettuce, and magazine. Those sorts of elements add a story to your environment. I love the idea of adding character to environments like that. This is a great start. I hope this is helpful. Keep it up!
Donna Swibas
This was very difficult…would like some critique, tips, suggestions. Thanks! Donna
Gilles Dubuis
This is surprisingly relaxing
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is a really good one!
a storage room
Martha Muniz
You've got it! Nice work :)
David D
I drew the inside of a wood shop. Thought this was a great exercise; though I have a tendency to bend my non-convergent lines. I couldn’t determine a consistent direction, but it was like I had to convince my hand that horizontal was indeed horizontal. It got much better as I formed a habit to stare at a reference horizontal and ghost parallel to that line, similar to ghosting towards the vanishing point. As new habits are want to do, it was a conscious effort to make that happen. would love to hear if others have helpful practices that improve perspective drawing like this. I assume as we include more VP I’m our drawings, it’s going to be like 1 point perspective just harder to get right haha any other critiques would also be welcome. Still chipping away at line quality, but i think I’m starting to see glimpses of improvement!
Mika Vermeulen
I tried to make a baby room from a baby's perspective. My lines can still be a bit messy, sop this was a good practice for making my lines more straight!! Feedback is welcome.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice work going for the baby’s eye view. The tricky thing here would be the tabletop since it is so close to the horizon line. The closer to the the horizon line and vanishing point you get, the more distorted the shapes will be. Keep up the practice and thanks for sharing!
Kawaki Jr
Feel like I kind of get it after a few tries although it still feels a little confusing 😅 like trying to figure out where the floor ends or where I should stop the ceiling
Martin M
The last drawing from the mouse point of view (camera on the floor) is really good. Its clean and you show a bit of the x ray vision as we can see through the cupboard. Although it seems that the table is against the fridge door so you can't open the door any more :D
Antonio Santiago
Drawing long straight lines was so hard but I like the way it turned out. I put the dishwasher on the ground under the tv stand, how's that for inconvenient! This project really revealed the importance of practicing those straight lines. Its so fun constructing everything and it actually feeling like there's some depth to it.
Chauncey Holder
I tired to do a hanging sink on the ceiling, the project is pretty fun when I finally understood what I was doing slightly
Martha Muniz
Good work overall! To keep the room consistently in one-point, the sink will also converge to the same point as the rest of the objects, as well as the side of the TV and cabinet being kept perfectly horizontal. With the TV as well, it's good that you remembered the rounded bevel of the TV glass screen as it adds believability to the scene, though it can be kept less thick to keep the perspective consistent. Keep going, you got this!
Quinton Larrimore
The first image is me just cleaning up the image and trying to apply some of those previous lessons we learned across the course. Image 2 has the vanishing point and how I constructed everything. Image 3 is my thumbnails for deciding what I wanted to do and some problem solving too. I should really try to do a vanishing point off the page. I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel like my work is boring. If anyone has any feedback I'd appreciate it.
Martin M
Wow! I don't know what you are talking about. This does not seem boring at all!
Martin M
I think you correctly established a vanishing point and made some of the lines converge there. But then instead of having all of the lines converge you made them parallel to the lines near them. I have added a picture to highlight two examples of it. All of those lines should converge to the same point for the illusion of a 3D space to work. At the moment the objects at the back of the kitchen don't look smaller than the objects closer to the viewer because the lines are not converging.
Andrei Sorokin
Tried to draw my room from the perspective of my dog, but messed up with the eye level, it is too high. Let's say my dog is doing a trick and sitting on his legs.
Trying to get used to tablet (since digital is the ultimate goal) but feel a lot of stiffness when trying to pull straight long lines and as a result using line tool a lot instead
Tori Blade
Here are some of my sketches! Ive been having alot of fun drawing freehand with pen, it is so much more fun than when i was forced to use a ruler. I have def improved in the past few days for 1 point perspective, any critiques are greatly appreciated!
Tori Blade
Here are some of my sketches! Ive been having alot of fun drawing freehand with pen, it is so much more fun than when i was forced to use a ruler. I have def improved in the past few days for 1 point perspective, any critiques are greatly appreciated!
My 1 point room for the project I still have a bit of trouble trying to get perfect verticals and horizontals so ill be sure to practice the warm ups some more.
Natasha Johnson
This is my chosen 1 point piccy . I would like this design for my kitchen . Im enjoying perspective lessons .
Natasha Johnson
👋 hello this is my dumb kitchen design . The sink is in the corner behind the fridge , as well as a hot oven next to the cool fridge . and a hot plate next to the cornered sink . BUT I LOVED THIS . I know this is not straight , but I didn’t use a ruler and i know i have to do this more to get better . thank you for any critique you think applies .
Michael Longhurst
Michael Koch
Martha Muniz
Nice work! When it comes to rounded objects like the lamp, drawing through as if the object were transparent can help place the curves of the edges with more precision and make it easier to follow the perspective of the drawing. Also, adding some dimension to objects even when they are thinner, like the paintings on the wall, helps sell the groundedness of the scene. You're definitely on the right track, keep up the good work :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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