In this level 1 demo, I’ll show you how to draw mannequin hands to practice tumbling boxes. Check back next week for level 2!

This doesn't make much sense to me because it looks like almost all of his boxes aren't converging and the lines are parallel so how is this 3 point perspective?

Jack H
Here's another set of level 1 hands. There are still some proportional errors, but I think it's improved from my first attempt. The side view posed quite a challenge though, since I wasn't sure to just draw a single rectangle or a 3D box since most of the hand was side view.

Here is my attempt after watching the demo, I think it turned out good! Much cleaner and more cohesive than my first attempt.
Tony Zhang
Geez level 2 is a totally different thing!!
Tony Zhang
Extreme foreshortening still needs practice! But I’m happy.
Zander Schmer-Lalama
Hello! Man this was tough and a bit exhausting lol. What I noticed in myself is that I was just randomly placing the boxes instead of think about the vanishing points. Thankfully after watch the demo with Stan, I did mess up boxes but now I have a better understanding now. Leave me any tips on how to improve!
Josh Fiddler
About the comments @Stan Prokopenko makes at around 34 minutes about fatigue.
The Law of Diminishing Returns
You've done warmups.
You've been drawing for an hour and feel like each line gets better and better. Your problem solving is feeling strong: you're happy with choices.
Then suddenly... everything starts to feel off. Lines aren't as accurate, thinking is slower.
You notice you are tired and think maybe you should stop.
But you don't.
You keep going.
That drawing starts to fall apart.
You get frustrated and trash the whole thing.
You get mad at yourself and don't draw for a few days, saying you're not inspired.
When you start to feel that fall-off in energy and focus, when you start to doubt your previously unassailable growth, it's time to step away. Go have a snack, a drink of water, or go do something else.
At this point, your unlimited mental data plan is has reached the data cap for 5G speeds and you've been throttled to worse than 3G. Packets get dropped. Latency increases. There is nothing to do but do something else and let your brain recover.
At best, even the most incredibly productive people can do maximum output for 4 hours a day. After that, we retain less, are less productive, and we make more mistakes. So we shouldn't expect to be able to study, draw, paint, exercise effectively, without rest.
Rest is a requirement, not a reward. So take breaks, stay committed, but don't burn yourself out trying to fulfill your dreams, you'll just end up resenting the sleeping.
The guy from BluishDot
Hi there! Thanks for the demo! It’s really informative and cleared up a lot of the questions I had after my first attempt at the exercise.
I am, however, a bit confused about a couple of boxes from hands 2 and 3. I marked them in the attached images.
I understand that the way it’s drawn is not necessarily wrong since we could have more of a trapezoid box that would look like that in perspective. However, I thought that in this case we should draw boxes that had only 90 degree angles.
With that in mind, even though it would look a bit strange when compared to the reference images, shouldn’t the marked lines from those boxes converge the other way? Even if only slightly?
I’m asking because this is what caused me the most trouble and frustration in my initial attempt. Seeing that the form of the finger “converges” towards the viewer but having to draw a box that has to converge in the opposite way.

Are these Marshall's hands?
William Mclean
i found this so hard getting the angles and proprotion of boxes right
Zach Pipher
One day i will revisit the course and do the level 2
loes roos
I do not know whose hand it is, but it is way more flexible than my own hand! Great demo with the gesture before. Good lesson! Definitely did not give enough attention to the boxes!

I was thinking (clunk clunk). I could extend the box edges of the second finger so they intersect. I was hoping to work out how to draw the boxes looking orientated but they just are wrong. Any suggestions would be appreciate. Thanks

I genuinely, would appreciate a little further advice.
No matter how I experiment with the "Y" or vanishing points, I feel I'm more trial and error than, there's a box, I'll tumble it into that position.
When I decide to tumble a box to a specific orientation, what's the reasoning / process behind the order of line changes to achieving the rotation / tumbled box that I intend ?
Diana Reid
This was a tough assignment.

onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
I couldn't figure out on my own how to draw the hand in the third photo using simple boxes until I watched this video. Thanks for the demo!

Dennis Yeary
Yeah I think I got the box concept down. Though I was wondering if we'll be focusing on shading be next after we finished perspective?
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.