Joe Burris
Joe Burris
El Cajon
Activity Feed
Joe Burris
Its suprising how hard it is to simplify something so much and still try and retain chunks of the original. I'll definitely be taking another crack at it after I watch the videos. On the plus side I think Im seeing improvement on my line quality in places I used to struggle.
Rachel Dawn Owens
You’re getting there! Doesn’t look like you’re getting too hung up on detail. I especially dig the blowfish. Looks like you captured his personality pretty well.
Joe Burris
Ill be honest I initially found this assignment incredibly daunting. But after actually attempting it Im really glad I was pushed to challenge myself so much. I chose Troy Nixey initially because I wanted to improve on my hatching. I dont think I fully succeeded there but with each piece I learned something different. Im happy with the two rightmost drawings (the punches face and the skull) but each one taught me something. In my personal sketchbook I attempted a far more complicated piece that definitely didnt turn out well but when I get to the end of that book Im going to attempt it again to see my improvement. Id love to hear anyone's thoughts on these. This is definitely the hardest Ive ever worked on any drawing and while a challenge it was also extremely fun and enlightening.
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is a very daunting assignment. That’s what makes it a good one. If it’s not difficult, you’re not learning! It looks like you learned a lot here. One thing I noticed that could use another extra push was the hat. I might push it a little darker and note the cross contours. Feel your way across the forms. This will add more 3d form to your drawings. You chose a really cool artist to study for this. Great stuff 👍
Joe Burris
Shadow and importance. Done on vellum with a .005 micron for the thin lines and a .08 for the thick.
Joe Burris
I remember doing these when I attempted Drawabox. These are fun. Im glad to bring it back into my routine. Here's a bonus grumpy dog whose mad Im drawing instead of cuddling her.
My attempt before the demo, I will try again with more searching lines, any feedback is welcome
Joe Burris
I think your lines are very clean and accurate to the source. Its really nice work!
Joe Burris
Im definitely not level 2 skill wise but this assignment sounded fun so I figured Id give it a try. I chose an alligator and the only two things I wanted to accomplish going into it was showing off their silly fat pouch on their necks as well as their tiny arms. I think I may have gone too small on the arms. Its sloppy but I tried to keep it all loose. Hopefully I succeeded somewhat but at least I had fun.
What kind of drawing were you aiming at ? realism or more goofy ?
Joe Burris
I feel like a dummy for saying this but I for the life of me dont understand how to physically do a tapered line. Ive filled sheets with lines trying to do it and its just not clicking. Nonetheless I wanted to truck forward with the projects and just add the line exercises to my daily warmups. I tried going really loose and light for these and for a first attempt am decently happy with the results . The entire time I worked on the hand I thought it was a mess until near the end when it started to come together. Definitely lots Ill do different next time I try it but I think (I hope) I at least captured the energy of the source. I was running out of time whole doing the VR girl so my lines there are definitely hairier and more rushed. Im excited to try her again.
Melanie Scearce
It's really muscle memory. Try your best and keep doing those drills, they will pay off! If you've ever tried to learn a choreographed dance or a skateboard trick, you know how many times you have to repeat for it to become ingrained 🔁 I think you're in a good place with your lines, so keep it up!
Joe Burris
My second attempt at camel and skull. I only got part way through the video before the urge to draw came in and I decided to just dive back in and Im glad I did because I feel a lot better than my first attempt. Still lots to improve on but breaking sections up into smaller lines really helped me out.
Melanie Scearce
This is a big improvement! Really nice work @Joe Burris. Keep practicing with long, light strokes. Your lines on the skeleton get a bit hairy in places, although these are much more loose than your first round, so keep up that momentum. You're on the right track!
Dawn Vermillion
This is my first attempt at the contour drawing of the boots.
Joe Burris
These look great! You captured lines I never really noticed in the picture that now I can't unsee.
Yevhen Syrchin
Snail is digitally and boots are traditional
Joe Burris
Your lines are really clean and confident! Your laces, especially on the left boot, look terrific.
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