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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
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First day of gesture drawing, it's much harder than I thought. 😆
That's a great question. I think it can be a bit personal from animator to animator, but the way I learned it was from Marshall, who teaches storytelling through acting from Don Richardson's book Acting Without Agony. The main idea boils down to writing the character's OBJECTIVE, EMOTION, and ACTIONS in the scene. For example, in the beginning of The Little Red Riding Hood, Red Riding Hood's objective is to get to her grandmother's house, her emotion is fear, and her action is walking through the forest. Thinking about these things, and especially the objective & emotion, is what helps guide your choices throughout a character animation. It definitely helps to act it out yourself, continuing to go over objective, emotion, and action in your head as you act it out, and record yourself or watch yourself in the mirror to use as reference for your animation.
Maiken Rudser
Asked for help
Okay. I did this quite a while ago , but seems i have a fear of sharing work im not sure of. Any advice and critique would be great!
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2024/12/12. Good morning everybody. Here's a digital postcard for Christmas greetings. Thanks for any comment or critique. Have a good day!!