In this lesson I'll show you how to make shapes interesting and dynamic using concepts like gesture, variety, contrast, complexity, symmetry, tension, and balance. I'll start with a boring shape and introduce a new concept one at a time to make it more alive with movement and energy.

Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Well, here are my seals. I think I need to press harder with the pencil because they are not very visible. I hope you like them...

Sumit Gupta
Are there any plans to add notes to this lesson?
Janou Baarda
In await for that too

Please provide comments. I would very much like to better myself, but it is hard to if I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I have attached my try of the seals & sea lions. I will work on more as I can.
Thank you in advance for your help.
those are some amazing shapes, all you are missing is continuity in lines and confidence, I don't know I am right person to critique you because I have same issue, but the way I think to improve this issue is just make your curves look more curved and straight more straight. if you are afraid to put lines at first, try laying in those primary sketch marks with light pencil, than jump in with some confident lines, which make a good contrast.
Lane Campbell
My go at the lesson, Copied down the drawings I had seen. The two fishes are from the next lesson.
Zander Schmer-Lalama
Hey! So I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I think I was trying to do more gesture than making interesting shapes, which I really want to improve gesture because manga is very gesture. Please tell me what I need to do/improve on. Have a nice day!
Art Stark
Class Notes

Patrick Alexander Büchi
Hello, tried to copy some artworks after artist I admire. It truly helped me, not only in the understanding of shape design, but composition aswell!
Really nice study notes!
Jon Tharaldsen
This was one of my favorite assignments yet! I'm really starting to understand how this course was constructed and how it plays into the bigger picture. I felt like I captured the energy well in some of my drawings and missed the mark on the others. Either way, some good stuff!!
Margaret Langston
I'm posting this assignment late. I'm following along and doing the work, but no time to post! I drew the fun seals and walruses, but also wanted to apply the concept of DYNAMIC SHAPE to figures. I continued thinking about this concept for the next month. The nudes in this post are just my first few attempts.
This is about the best explanation of the subject I have ever seen/heard. Everybody else is just like "Draw gesture" and every demonstration from every artist is different which makes it that esoteric concept you have to "feel" rather than understand (Including your other gesture video to be honest.). Putting it in perspective with the explanation at the beginning that there are tons of ways to capture the same concept and then giving examples of what that concept actually is, really demystified this for me a lot.
I have some catching up to do on the course since life (or rather work) has been pretty stressful lately, but I am looking very much forward to trying this myself. Thank you for sharing this.
hi guys, i am trying to do wt proko suggested. This one takes around 8-10 mins. it was drawn a week ago, a study of line weight(@andrew_m_creative on ig) and trying to eyeball the proportion. The reason I drew this is because I found it so dynamic for a dude simple raising his wrists up. I dun know why at first but i still drew it anyway and now I know the reasons. The problem I have are
1st: should i consider all the negative shape (indicated with the lighter red lien)when I doing wt proko did at the end of the video? they are kind of random to me and if I consider them all, the drawing lose the flow that I like.
2nd: Any advice on my shape simplification?
I am totally new to the whole design thing, and that confused me coz there are too many options out there... Much appreciated for your help
Shayan Shahbazi
😍I love this

Loved this whole dynamic shapes lesson! I went back and compared to early and late Greek sculpture and the concept of contrapposto and art history just made a whole lot more sense!

The bean!
Edo Moya
Glad to be here with you all, after our collective trauma 😌

yeah man, but now after do some portrait practice Im now in the mood of needing it everyday hahaha
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.