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Thomas Thornton
added comment inDemo 3 - Value Composition Thumbnails - Level 2
How long is this going to go on? Is it really the single most important thing we have to practice? We've been at it for over 3 months now, and the tedium of watching these seemingly endless videos is exasperating.
Edo Moya
Maybe you just need to trust the person that knows what's up and be patient 🧘♂️
Edo Moya
Asked for help
Top row (Semi old guy) before watching Demo #1, Bottom row (Intimidating Jesus) after watching Demo #1. I'm left handed so the progression is from right to left. I'll try Level 2 tomorrow if I find the time 🙂↕️
Edo Moya
Well this was a dense one, super interesting, and that new tool, super valuable! Thank you!
Edo Moya
I tried "Return of the Fleet" like 5 times before watching your solution, I'm glad to see that its a "complex" solution in general, I was banging my head thinking "I bet Stan will solve it with 5 elegant shapes, I need to simplify more!"
I like these, you “thought outside the blob” and went with unique forms that weren’t too human-like. Good imagination.
Edo Moya
Asked for help
Well those gingers where a real meditation, so nice to draw. I decided to work the beetle a little loose because it was more enjoyable that way 🪲 hehe sorry about that. I'll try another round of different creatures tomorrow morning and see how it goes.
Asked for help
Finally I managed to submit in time for critique … I was a bit behind with the course. Found it difficult to figure out the cross contours in spots where they “meet”.
Edo Moya
Asked for help
Well, my fundamentals are not that strong and I did this page from pinterest references, I'll try drawing outside on the weekends. I like them all in general. I think I need to "speak" more clear on some areas, also I need to remember design tools like big/medium/small, contrast, complex vs simple, play with proportions, better rhythms, etc. to make the drawing visually interesting and nice.
1/20 😌
Edo Moya
Gaddammit, I was so distracted by my masterful blobs that I didn't even bother to put the correct box, the perils of blobbing to much. I'll pay better attention now on 😌