Jon Tharaldsen
Jon Tharaldsen
Activity Feed
Jon Tharaldsen
Double split complimentary
Jon Tharaldsen
Split complimentary
Jon Tharaldsen
This lesson was phenomenal. It took my understanding of color to a whole new level and made the subject much less intimidating. Complimentary color palette practice below:
Jon Tharaldsen
Art if fun. Challenging. But fun.
Rachel Dawn Owens
It’s fun BECAUSE it is challenging. and your portrait study is awesome! The edge work is sweet and solid
Jon Tharaldsen
Challenging, but fun!! I'm happy with my progress from the course and am excited to dive deeper into the anatomy of the face and beyond. I haven't began learning about light and color yet and am thinking about taking a digital painting course soon. There are few great options provided on Proko and I'm leaning toward Jeremy Vickery's course. Any suggestions from anyone in the chat??
Michael Glaberman
Looks great Jon. I’m thinking on doing the digital painting as well.
Martin Vrkljan
Vickery's courses are really good!
Jon Tharaldsen
Finally got the chance to catch up with this course after grinding on Stan's anatomy course for months. I decided to rekindle my childhood love for drawing in 2024 and, Michael, your constructive methods - for both the head and the figure - have been responsible for breakthroughs in my understanding of drawing as a whole. As far as the assignment, I just kinda threw in the spiraling plane in the eye socket without much understanding - or success lol. Could you touch on this in more depth in the critique? Thank you!!!
I love how you did the denture sphere and the cheeks!
Jon Tharaldsen
This is the first time I've attempted to draw something in perspective that wasn't a box!! Great assignment. I've begun to experiment with adding a variety of line quality to my drawings now that I'm getting more confident placing my lines. Any tips/critique? Thanks!
Jon Tharaldsen
I attempted to draw this arcade as it was being views from inside of the claw machine (inpired by "THE CLAW" in toy story lol). I should've placed the claw lower in the composition and adding some details to the ceiling... but another rep of perspective is complete!!
Jon Tharaldsen
My attempt at a library. Apparently one with a low selection of books... xD Experimenting with perspective is wayyy harder than it looks, but it's a great experience to begin to "world build!"
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