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Sumit Gupta
added comment inHow to Draw an Eye – Real-Time Demo
How to draw eye from various angles? In this video the eye is from front view.
Sumit Gupta
In demo2 the width of calf is not accurately captured, i am not sure why this decision is made.
Great observation @Sumit Gupta. For the purpose of this exercise, we are more so depicting the rhythmic movements of body than spending time making sure that all anatomical structures are correct. In this demo I noticed Stan made the hands and feet small in comparison to the arm and leg also, and the arm longer. I interpret this as a stylistic choice to emphasize the energy moving down through the arms and the legs and focusing more on the shapes that support that rhythm. The anatomy is important of course and there is a time and place to draw it accurately, but for this exercise, finding the rhythm is king.
Loot Rabbit
Mandalas are pretty surreal in their own right.
They use them in Art Therapy because it taps into the subconscious; outside of your own control.
When you make shapes as you think and choose colors, etc, the mind will play itself out in front of you.
Most art is that way actually.
I adapt lots of styles but a major theme of mine lately has been how Science is magic that is understood and magic is science, yet to be understood. That, to me, is very surreal in its intersectionality.
What do you define as "Surreal" in your own words?
Are you talking of the classical works?
Mostly works of rene margrite, this week i am exploring misplacement how you can imagine an object in a different location to create meaning. Trying to come up with list of exercises which can help me create meaning. I tried automatic writing but that turned out to be a self help exercise.
I will try mandala, thanks for your advice.
I am inspired by work of Freud, I am sure many of you have experimented in Surreal art. Since i am just at beginning i try to keep a pen paper near my bed and draw what i could remember from my dream. Thats lot of wierd stuff i draw but unconscious is all about that. Can you please share if you have gone down the path of surreal art and what is your process for that?
Sumit Gupta
Please critique. I enjoyed thinking about big shapes first and enveloping it and getting to details later. Pr
Loving the bull!
These look wonderful!
Food for thought, perhaps think of shapes like kneaded erasers or a similar, pliable substance.
Make em bouncy and then weld them together where they intersect!
You can measure it all but thinking of it as "chewy" specifically helped me.
If you play around on Blender (because free) you can throw primitive shapes together and see how they will overlap. That's the idea. Primitives are what you are building from, so on the one hand you can make everything extremely geometric but when it comes to shape language, I think the joy of simplification is in the "texture" of what you are welding.
Of course the preliminary is not actually a substance but feeling it as such as you operate assists secondarily in transforming from realistic depiction to cartooning or a hybrid thereof in the mental imaging.
If you have seen Hercules (Disney's animated feature) I am sort of referencing Zeus when he creates Pegasus from the clouds.
Clouds are amorphous and while you should definitely practice your cubes and spheres specifically to be able to weld anything in a measured sense, sometimes going outside and drawing clouds as they move slowly into varying forms helps to get the "wisp" into the hands.
Drawing softly lets you layer shapes upwardly.
The more control you have, the lighter a mark you can make and just wistfully indicate without overtaking the drawing via mark density of stroke.
I hope this helps!
Sumit Gupta
Here is my question, if lines is one of the exams that we need to pass what will be your criteria to pass this exam?
Some of criterias I could think:
1. Successfully Imitating lines of artists you are inspired from
2. Completing all the lessons
3. Inventing a new style on your own
Sumit Gupta
Not sure if this will be helpful but i found building a vocabulary for lines important. Here are some of words i am trying to save in memory for lines:
Sharp: A clear, precise line with defined edges.
Soft: A gentle, less defined line that blends smoothly.
Thick: A heavy, bold line that stands out.
Variety: A mix of different line qualities to create interest.
Heavy: A dark, weighty line that adds emphasis.
Crisp: A clean, sharp line without blur.
Atmospheric: A line that suggests depth or mood, often faint or blended.
Confident: A bold, sure stroke with no hesitation.
Tapered: A line that changes thickness gradually.
Fluid: A smooth, continuous line that flows effortlessly.
Broken: A line with intentional gaps for texture or rhythm.
Dynamic: A line full of movement and energy.
Light: A faint, delicate line suggesting softness or distance.
Bold: A dark, prominent line demanding attention.
Hatched: Closely spaced lines used to create shading or texture.
Calligraphic: A line with varying thickness, often expressive or decorative.
This is WONDERFUL! More of this sort of thinking will bring more mindfulness to your art. Avoid making thoughtless, meaningless marks.
I believe that every line is a thought, so YES it is very helpful to be able to articulate lines with words.
What helps me is to think in “-ing” words… running, jumping, curving, wrapping, standing, laying, ect…
This helps me bring life into whatever subjects I’m drawing.
Here’s something I made a while back explaining this:
Cool stuff. I love this post.
Is this digital technique? If not please share how you did that, did you trace over existing sketch?