Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Badajoz, Spain
Activity Feed
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Here are the rest of the seals and the ones from my imagination.
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Hi, I'm posting the rest of the seals I still had to make. I have to say there were quite a few, ha ha ha... but I enjoyed the experience. I got the lines right the first time, meaning I didn't make any changes, but I still like Proko's lines much better! I'll have to be patient to improve that. I'm also posting the ones I made from my imagination, and I think they've helped me learn some details about seal morphology, thus expanding my visual library. Contributions and criticism are welcome! Thanks!
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Well, here are my seals. I think I need to press harder with the pencil because they are not very visible. I hope you like them...
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Well, there goes my drawing, I found it very constructive to follow the video step by step and imitate it. I think I have learned a lot from the quality of the strokes. It has been a great challenge for me to execute the drawing!
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Hi everyone! Here is my musketeer. Checking in Photoshop I saw a few mismatches, but I think the face matches quite well. Enriching experience! Greetings!
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Hello everyone! Here I present my first lace. I have to say that I have learned a lot. When checking in Photoshop I gave myself a 96% correct rate... Do you agree? It's been totally wild...
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Here are my contributions... I liked copying Aaron Blaiser, very instructive... I hope you like them.
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
Well, there are my sketches copying what Stan does. In one of them I got carried away by my imagination...I hope you like them. I think the loose lines are becoming more and more noticeable.
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
After watching this video I was really shocked to see to what extent Stan has the ability to play with shapes and take them to his field. I have realized how much I still have to practice in order to advance. You can really see the years of practice Stan has in drawing. My most sincere congratulations. Until now I had not realized to what extent my creativity is blocked. My lines are coarse to variegated.
Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
There go the level two... quite an intellectual challenge!
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