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Luis Ángel Ruiz de Gopegui Rando
added comment inProject - Dynamic Shapes
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Here are the rest of the seals and the ones from my imagination.
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Hi, I'm posting the rest of the seals I still had to make. I have to say there were quite a few, ha ha ha... but I enjoyed the experience. I got the lines right the first time, meaning I didn't make any changes, but I still like Proko's lines much better! I'll have to be patient to improve that. I'm also posting the ones I made from my imagination, and I think they've helped me learn some details about seal morphology, thus expanding my visual library. Contributions and criticism are welcome! Thanks!
Well, here are my seals. I think I need to press harder with the pencil because they are not very visible. I hope you like them...
Well, there goes my drawing, I found it very constructive to follow the video step by step and imitate it. I think I have learned a lot from the quality of the strokes. It has been a great challenge for me to execute the drawing!
Hi everyone! Here is my musketeer. Checking in Photoshop I saw a few mismatches, but I think the face matches quite well. Enriching experience! Greetings!
Hello everyone! Here I present my first lace. I have to say that I have learned a lot. When checking in Photoshop I gave myself a 96% correct rate... Do you agree? It's been totally wild...
Here are my contributions... I liked copying Aaron Blaiser, very instructive... I hope you like them.
Well, there are my sketches copying what Stan does. In one of them I got carried away by my imagination...I hope you like them. I think the loose lines are becoming more and more noticeable.
After watching this video I was really shocked to see to what extent Stan has the ability to play with shapes and take them to his field. I have realized how much I still have to practice in order to advance. You can really see the years of practice Stan has in drawing. My most sincere congratulations. Until now I had not realized to what extent my creativity is blocked. My lines are coarse to variegated.
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There go the level two... quite an intellectual challenge!