Shayan Shahbazi
Shayan Shahbazi
Enhancer, Tutor, Concept Artist
Activity Feed
Miqdad (Mick Dad) Ali
Ortho's have been fun. I've been finding it less daunting to wing my proportions for my first ortho view and then use guide lines from that to make sure my next ortho views are consistent, as opposed to measuring the object first. has anyone had any luck with actually measuring their objects and then using those accurate measurements to plot out their ortho views? also, I am determined to figure out how to accurate drawn my alarm clock. I WILL PREVAIL... EVENTUALLY!!!
Shayan Shahbazi
Great work, the more you do it the more it gets fun, keep up the great work.
This took a bit of time and the proportions are not spot on but was quite satisfying to finish.
Shayan Shahbazi
The amount of energy in this paper is remarkable, great work.
I had a crazy busy week and when I finally found the time to do orthos, I managed to hurt my hand :( This is all I have for now. I know the top view is a bit wobbly. I hope to be able to do more later. This is so much harder then I thought it would be, but it's still a lot of fun to learn!
Shayan Shahbazi
so satisfying to look at, keep up the great work.
Shayan Shahbazi
I love math, I have been tutoring math.The things we learn in calculated art appear not to be mathematic but we use math to measure the distance, finding center line, finding the angles and many other circumstances. Nevertheless, it can seem like mathematics and art are not explaining the same thing in the real world, but when we get deep in to both with an empty cup, we can actually see one uses the other to explain with sensible reasoning, the same way both of these maters use words to explain for the audience. Furthermore, math and art are two discovered subjects that stream in our life and like a spiderweb that catches shiny drops of water math and art make an eye catching web as well. Same as math that you solve a problem on each step you make the image appear on your paper by each line and dot. However all of this is based on my opinion and the things I learned along the way of studying and torturing math, art, chemistry, and English.
Patrick Hynes
I did a tin watercolor palette freehand. I started doing it with instruments but realized I kind of need a T-square to make it work. I'm going to pick one up and give that another go.
Shayan Shahbazi
This study is very good, I like how clean and calculated it looks.keep up the great work.
This is my attempt
Shayan Shahbazi
Melanie Scearce
Happy Monday! Here's some colorful seals.
Shayan Shahbazi
Great work, Melanie.
Amani Noor (Amu)
Orthos Project: I tried to draw a car but messed up the proportions when drawing the 3/4 view. Maybe I should do this in pencil next time. 😔
Shayan Shahbazi
Great work.
Shayan Shahbazi
“Stormweaver” Ship Destiny 2 Episode: Revenant Second Attempt.
Melanie Scearce
Wow, I love the rhythm studies. That whole page is incredible. Great work!
Jacob Hebda
This subject is challenging one to draw in perspective! I'm really impressed by your efforts! I wanted to share some feedback that I hope might help. As I was viewing your sketches, I actually became disappointed when I reached the reference image. Especially evident in your excellent side views, I found that your choice to emphasize the curving, almost horn-like shape of the wings adds drama and interest to the ship that the reference image lacks, enhancing its design at least to this member of the audience. Keep it up! I noticed that you used multiple vanishing points, particularly in the top view image, to help control proportions and measure the wing segments, and I was wondering how you found these vanishing points? I would appreciate any tips you can give me. Thanks!
Tried a mix of things, measured and intuitive. A bit embarrassed about getting lost and off centre in some places but at least we are beginning to feel it out more. The car is a 3d model, the deodorant is my own observing from real life and the violin is a mix of both. (I did these with a migraine so my apologies for the errors that shouldn’t exist. I’ll be cleaner from here on)
Shayan Shahbazi
Great work, clean and neat.
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