Activity Feed
Gannon Beck
385th Day of Proko and counting. Happy New Year!
Shayan Shahbazi
Happy new year!!
Diego Garcia Figueroa
Vehicles have always been a struggle for me so over these past days I’ve been practicing the basic shapes and anatomy of cars and motorcycles. Still have a long way to go, but I was happy with these short freehand sketches. Definitely noticed I gotta work on proportions, line confidence, and those damn wheels! Cylinders are hard
Shayan Shahbazi
These are so good. Nice work.
J. Menriv
Project - Dynamic Shapes | Level 2 - Draw from Memory or Imagination
Shayan Shahbazi
Thomas Nolan II
Had used graphite rather than charcoal and disregarded dark background, however i hope the rest of image is fairly similar.
Shayan Shahbazi
Thomas Nolan II
Here is my second attempt for this assignment. This is a study from Claire Wendling and da Vinci. Both artists seem to place most emphasis on a Hierarchy of Importance in their sketches with a touch of lighting. I included both types of line weight in my sketches, but made effort to bump up the lighting weight.
Shayan Shahbazi
This is very good. I wanna see more of your work.
Had a go at the level two project and rotated the horizon line to try to test myself a bit and try to design shapes more carefully. I will be sure to practice this more any advice would be appreciated thanks.
Shayan Shahbazi
nice work!
J. Menriv
Project - Simple Animal Portraits | Frog
Shayan Shahbazi
nice work!
Amu Noor
Lvl 1 (draw from different angle + from memory) This was the hardest of the games and was definitely a challenge for me.
Shayan Shahbazi
nice work Amu.
Asked for help
Shayan Shahbazi
this is good. nice work.
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