Patrick Bosworth
Patrick Bosworth
Editor at Proko!
Activity Feed
Melanie Scearce
I turned my orthographic project into a full turnaround 👾
Patrick Bosworth
I can HEAR this turn-around! AWESOME WORK!
Kristen Budovski
I ran wild with this project! I had an absolute blast and just kept making more and more. I could use some work on making the shapes a bit more dynamic but I think this was a great start!
Patrick Bosworth
Nice job! You can really see a progression with these three pages. The top left seal on the third page is really excellent. Clean line quality, great shape design. Keep up the good work!
Rynhardt van Vuuren
This was a lot of fun and hoping I got the idea of it!!! Please tell me if I might have gotten it wrong. Any suggestions are welcome. I never understood the vanishing point up till now!!! Pretty cool!
Patrick Bosworth
Nice job! Looks like you're getting the hang of it, and this is a cool room design! Looks like the interior of a fallen castle. The lines on the left side of your room are starting to veer off, and don't converge at the vanishing point. You can see when you extend the floor board lines out they lose their target. Also try to avoid tangents with your perspective lines. The lines on top of table are running directly into the lines of the floor boards which kills the depth of the scene and makes the table visually become part of the floor. Adding a few extra lines to the table, following the same perspective lines, will help separate them from the perspective lines in the floorboards. Something to be aware of moving forward! Keep up the good work!
Dani Torres
Here are 3 drawings that i was able to do today. I'm quite happy overall. The frog is the one I like the most, but the octopus was the most challenging, I can see lines that feel a little bit off 🤔
Patrick Bosworth
Love the foreshortening with the monitor lizard, great work!!
Patrick Bosworth
An attempt at a Trevor Chamberlain study from this weekend. Tried to go straight in with paint, no underdrawing so it veers off a bit from the actual piece but this was one of the first times I kinda saw the process in my head before putting brush to paper. Started using Andy Evansen's method of working back and forth between a value study and the finished piece simultaneously to plan the composition and washes in steps which helped keep me focused on the piece while waiting for washes to dry. And I got a little plein air time in with a quick palm tree/sky sketch from the back yard
Gannon Beck
This is fantastic. You are really doing great with your painting studies. Looking up Andy Evansen now!
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Wow! Your study is phenomenal. I just checked out the artist. He is awesome! The palm trees of your plein air study are also so fluid. I always struggle doing palm trees, getting bogged down by the details is easy.
took a lot more concentration then I initially thought .
Patrick Bosworth
Excellent work! That's one of my favorite BMW models. You really nailed the proportions, very clean ortho!
Amani Noor (Amu)
Orthos Project: I tried to draw a car but messed up the proportions when drawing the 3/4 view. Maybe I should do this in pencil next time. 😔
Patrick Bosworth
Fantastic layout, wonderful work! Keep going with the ink!!
Sandra Süsser
Mushrooms with emotions :D
Patrick Bosworth
These are great! I love the idea of practicing different expressions with this exercise!
Asked for help
This was a really fun exercise. I will definitely practice it more.
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice work! I love the storytelling moments you're injecting into these scenes. Keep it up!
Ryan C
Here's my attempt at the Level 2 skull, with some thumbnails and smaller studies on the side done as a warm-up. I wasn't sure when to stop adding detail, so I stopped when I liked the look of it.
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! I like how you simplified the teeth with big shapes, and the thumbnails are a great warm up!
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