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Here are my attempts! I redid some of the lv 2s that I didn’t like. I think that I found it a bit hard to do the lv 2s at first but, I feel like focussing on shape initially helped me make the form look good.
Here are my follow-slings and my attempts. This was very difficult, but also really fun!
really fun exercise, bit got a bit overboard
Very good! Clearly you're having fun! Not solid critiques, just keep practicing I guess :^).
Here is my follow-along and some Ginger-people characters!
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is a great grouping of characters! Nice work
Here are my attempts! The first one shows my ginger root characters.
Wow I love these they’re great! You really were able to capture the form and movement of all the subjects. I do think the dolphin could be improved by using a reference photo where you can see the form more clearly and that will make the cross contour easier. The tail is well executed, but the head and torso could be more refined. Your ginger root character is really well executed as well! I think the top left one would be great to work with as a character because you were able to create defined limbs. This increases its believability as a character because I can easily imagine how he would move around. The other ginger root characters are fun as well! I do have a harder time imagining how they would move around. But you did such a great job with all the facial expressions that it adds nice personality to all of them which makes them feel really alive. The only ones that are hard for me to read are the two top and bottom in the center where their faces aren’t visible. For those ones maybe add some fingers to the hands like you did in some of the others so it’s easier to differentiate the arms from the head and legs.
Ramiro Roman
Asked for help
Here’s my page!
Patrick Bosworth
These are looking really solid, nice line quality, great work! Keep it up!
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