Combining Line Weight

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Combining Line Weight

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Course In Progress
Stan Prokopenko
The 3 line weight methods that we've been exploring are all valuable tools, and it's not necessary to limit yourself to just one. In this bonus demo, I'll attempt to use ALL 3 line weight methods in the same drawing and show how you can be creative in the way you combine them.
I tried to combine all 3 of the line weight methods but mainly light & shadow because I love that one! I'd love to get some advise also I'm sorry for the bad picture
Phil H
I did a bit of digging into research on line art. Aaron Hertzmann has an interesting and accessible series of blogs describing some of his research in the field of non-photorealistic rendering. Some of this is similar to the line weight methods that have been presented in the course. The paper, Where Do People Draw Lines? is interesting too.
Proportions are so flipping hard and so is trying to combine the different line weight methods. I don’t feel like I really did it right. I’m feeling like this SpongeBob pic rn LOL. Does anyone have tips for drawing on procreate? It just feels so awkward, if that makes any sense.
i'm starting to use procreate just now as well, what's your problem? maybe i can help. mind you i'm a noob...
Tommy Pinedo
I want to wish the Proko team and everyone here a Merry Christmas! :) I did some light and shadow line weight exercise using Rudolph the red nose reindeer. :)
love the makima figure in the back >:)
I tried to put what I've learned so far in these practice drawings. Trying to be aware of the impact that a simple line can make in how the drawing 'feels' This is probably the main takeaway so far in this class. Before, I was "careless" in how I put the lines together. It is hard to explain but is something along the lines of seeing the lines individually and making them work together rather than seeing the final product as a whole and focusing on the big picture. Also trying to take into account line hierarchy in order to highlight specific components. Granted - this feel doesn't translate to any real improvement in art but it does feel good to begin building an intuition of some sort.
Practice page: Combining depth, lines & line weight.
Melanie Scearce
Looks awesome!
My attempt to combine depth/focus with a bit of importance, and more thought put in general in line weight.
I was never really thinking about the fact, that I could change the value of the line, thanks! :D I made 3 little drawing with the light+shadow and the combined method. I tried something similar a few months ago while sketching my characters, but I wasn't that thoughtful then. Now I know the truth :P
Started watching this video, but wanted to try the demo myself for shadow and depth before fully watching to see if I'm on the right track, since I kind of felt like I auto-piloted the Rhino exercise a bit. Any feedback is appreciated!
Hello, good job! Personally, I would say that exaggerating the line weight a bit more would give a better effect overall. The line directly below the lid should be just as dark as the one below it because of the lid in my opinion. The tapers on the first one look fine to me. Besides the line work, you seem to be applying orthographic projection on your drawings, which is fine if it's the look you're going for, but it does make your drawings look flat. I believe learning perspective will definitely benefit your art, as it will add more depth. So I recommend continuing this course, since it will teach you perspective in the next lessons, after the shape lessons. If you don't know it already, I highly suggest looking at the drawabox course, it has helped me hugely in understanding 3D space. It's challenging and heavily reliant on discipline, but I'd say go check it out first to see if it's worth progressing in for you. I wish you the best on your artistic odyssey.
I tried to make hos Mauth glow but im not sure if I achieved it
Hi, excellent work! In my opinion this drawing has applied the elements presented in the video very well. The lines are also very clean. For the glowing, what makes the original appear like it's glowing is contrast. The character is very dark in value overall with solid black shadows for contrast to the dark gray skin. The mouth is very bright, contrary to the rest of the body, thus giving the impression of a glow, this appearance is further enhanced by the lighting along the teeth. For this reason, I believe you did a decent job at achieve the glowing look with only lines, since teaching full shading wasn't the intention of this video. Although, I do think that you could've added darker lines on the contour of the entire head, just to make it more visible since it's kind of hard to see from afar, the head is fairly important for people, so making it appear more important would maybe look "better", just a suggestion :). This is just my opinion, I'm not a pro, I'm an amateur who's also trying to learn from Proko. I wish you the best on your art journey!
Léo Ikhlef
For a minute I felt so scared that I'd have to think about EVERY TYPE OF WEIGHT while drawing.. Good think I watched to the end :') But it does feel great to learn about each concept, even on the surface, so that when we practice, we try to implement those concepts into our drawings. Thank you so much for this useful bonus lesson, sir :p
Zander Schmer-Lalama
Hey!! I tried the combing line weight with how Stan did the box in the video. I took a picture of this little Batman square plushie I’ve had for years. I don’t it came out too bad, but I think it could be better. I think I should’ve make the shadows darker to make it pop out more. Feedback and critiques would be very much appreciated. Have a nice day!!
Abhishek Mukherjee
Not sure If I am ready for "Line Master Studies" yet.
Melanie Scearce
These are awesome! Keep it going!!
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
Incorporating this exercise is so fun! Gotta do more of them!
I atempted to do what was done in this demo but with different thinks
Nicholas Bramah
I decided to try applying this line weight tutorial to a study piece of a mystic from Dark Crystal. Half-way through I realized I was creating a painter urRu (the name of the mystics in Dark Crystal) and decided to try and use line weight to emphasize the characters head and the object they are painting. Let me know what you think :)
I attempt it while drawing basic figures.
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice, clean line weight exercises, well done! Do try to photograph your work as straight on and as evenly lit as possible as to not warp the perspective of your drawing. Keep up the good work!
The guy from BluishDot
Some new attempts at practicing these concepts:
Nice job!
Ihori Kobayashi
Even with the simple form like this box, making decisions on the combinations of line value and thickness to express the importance, light, and depth were difficult.
No wayyy yooo, you improved soooo much, Damm crazy growth 👏, here's a choclate for you 🍫
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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