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added comment inProject - Organizing Line Weight
Asked for help
It feels like I missed something on the Shadows and Light method, it seems off to me.
Honestly, I think they both look great !
After watching the critiques I figured I’d better try again and not be so precious with drawing. It’s very hard not to. I wanted the weasel on the right to emphasize how long and tube-y they are with those funny round haunches, top middle to show some personality, but I think the bottom left is my favorite.
These are excellent! I love the gesture in the 3 lower drawings. Great work suggesting the fur, I wonder if the one on the right could be more successful if you added the pinch. We certainly have a beautiful stretch on the opposite side. How can you add a pinch while thinking about the underlying anatomy to bring that one more to life?
Great work!
Asked for help
something I can tell I need to work on is figuring out how to size the image to the canvas. For instance, even though I mapped out the general shape of the penguin first, I ended up going off the canvas because my spacing of things wasn’t right. I can resize easily when I’m working digitally, but that’s not an option when working on actual paper. Some instruction on that would be appreciated.
Ha! I just did the same thing! Tried to get all 3 on 1 piece of paper. I must have been feeling a bit lazy or cheap (or as Stan says: "precious" with the sketch book). You made a nice penguin though! 🐧 Maybe just lightly draw a box on your section of paper or tape on some construction paper, to give yourself a smaller work window. That's what I'll try next time. But I think we were supposed to go a little bigger, so we could get "sweeping shoulder movement". 🎨 James Gurney and his wife Jeanette always amaze me by creating these super beautiful, detailed paintings that are not much bigger than a postcard.