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added comment inProject - Line Master Studies
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Hello everyone. For my study I chose Dionysus by Jen Zee, a character found in Super Giant's Hades. Chose specific parts cause it hit me early on that attempting the full piece would be overwhelming. Please critique. Thank you :)
such a good artist to study. I just wanted to compliment your observations about the line work you have a good eye. I struggle to kind of analyze works at times so this was helpful for me
Tommy Pinedo
I want to wish the Proko team and everyone here a Merry Christmas! :)
I did some light and shadow line weight exercise using Rudolph the red nose reindeer. :)
Proportions are so flipping hard and so is trying to combine the different line weight methods. I don’t feel like I really did it right. I’m feeling like this SpongeBob pic rn LOL. Does anyone have tips for drawing on procreate? It just feels so awkward, if that makes any sense.
i'm starting to use procreate just now as well, what's your problem? maybe i can help. mind you i'm a noob...
I tried out all of the methods for practice today. I can’t say I’m too happy with the outcome but that’s what practice is for. I started with the hierarchy, light/shadow, and then the depth/form method which was the most difficult for me. I think I could have done more detail on a few parts but I just wanted to keep things simple for this exercise.
Like drawing shoes, hate the laces 😉. Still a bit unsure about my lines. I tried here to prioritise proximity and shadows & lights. Any comment is appreciated 😉
Fire shoe choice 🙏 I'm definitely with you in regards to being unsure about lines. Keep at it, this looks great!
This is my light and shadow attempt after watching the demo. This was definitely more challenging than the other one, but it was fun nonetheless :)
This was my attempt after watching the demo. It started making a lot more sense to me after jotting down some notes and things to keep in mind.
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This was a refreshing project! It was fun to trace things. For the first rhino, I was kind of just playing around with stuff. For my second rhino, I was attempting the hierarchy and highlighting things that I wanted to be the main focus. I can’t say I’m too happy with it but I’m going to try again after watching the demo! For my third rhino, I focused on the light and shadow method. The light and shadow one was tricky for me because I didn’t want to darken too much of the lines to make it overwhelming or unreadable. Overall, I learned something new so I’ll take it! Onto the demo now and reattempting >:)
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Drawabox veterans RISE!!! These warmups were both making me feel at peace, and also like every line was a battle. I started with the page skipping, and for some reason my brain kept trying to draw very big swoopy S shapes, so I was trying to brand out a bit. Then I tried to do the different line variations from light to dark. The straight tapers were my biggest challenge for real, I notice that many times when I try and draw a straight line, it’ll start out with this weird divot that droops down before straightening itself. I’m gonna be working on that and figuring out why it’s even doing that anyway lol. Then I did some connect the dots! Overall these were some fun exercises that warmed me up both mentally and physically because I have really cold hands.
Hey everybody :) I decided to retry the imagination project after watching the demo. The animal I chose to use was the pangolin because of how cute it is, and also its structure is intriguing to me. I love animals that have some kind of armor on then, I think it’s super neat. However, it can be difficult to draw. I didn't want to get too caught up in each individual armor scale so I tried to mainly focus on the energy and vibe of the pangolin. It was definitely a challenge for me. I started by using some reference pictures and drawing from observation, then moved onto 3 drawings from my imagination. Drawing this way is certainly humbling, but I’m glad I gave it a shot! It makes you have to think in a different way than just drawing what you’re seeing. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this!