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Ben Nunn
added comment inDigital Painting in Grayscale
Asked for help
Here are my couple of attempts at the assignment. I really wasn’t satisfied with the first one so had to give it another go. I know it’s a matter of practice. Would appreciate any feedback!
Nice improvement! There's a common pitfall where students who have anatomical knowledge end up shading all the muscles equally, which breaks the figure's lighting up unnaturally. In the second image, you much better capture how light falls on the subject as a whole, making it feel much more true to life.
I think you're pretty close still, I would recommend continuing to render in the areas of light, bringing out some more dimension through the lighter values--even just a few, carefully selected highlights--to fully make it appear three-dimensional. This can often be the last detail that makes things pop.
Keep up the good work, you got this! :)