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Melted Pancakes assignment! Did some thumbnails prior to the final piece, initially thinking this would require more thought, however as I did it, the mountains started to come more naturally, like a stream of conciousness, and in the end i felt like i didnt even need the initial thumbails. I think this is a great thing to practice when you have artblock or you need a nice quick environment for a scene.
One Point Perspective!!! For this one, I used my last name (Pronounced 'Oh-Lohr-Teh-Gee'). Initially, I just tried to practiced one point perspective by just simply spelling the letters out and extruding them. However, I wanted to also stylize them, so I ended up using some of the quick 20 sketches to brainstorm some ideas for fonts, and ended up using #17 for the second round. For some of these, they were a head scratcher; for others, as long as the rules were followed, it felt natural.
Melanie Scearce
Very creative work! Great job doing so many iterations. I like how you experimented with different textures and imagery to match the text. The only thing that stood out to me to critique is the O's in your first image end a bit high compared to the rest of the letters. Defining the baseline as the first step to make sure all letters are on the same line will help when you go to extrude them.
Maria Bygrove
That last one is super cool, has this sort of technical, almost brutalist look.
Decided to do the blob approach after the last assignment, That warning at the start made me laugh out loud. Really would have helped me to watch this before doing the last assignment. This is a much faster approach to drawing boxes than I'm used to! In a matter of a day I was able to draw 2 pages worth, where it would have taken me much longer if I tried to estimate the vanishing points for each and every box. The note of just letting the lines fly for now really stops me from overthinking; I'm really thankful for that. On the second one I wanted to test myself and see if I could put multiple forms in the same space near eachother. Wasn't focused on making things right anatomically or making any interesting shapes really, just wanted to play around with what I can do with the blob approach and see if I can get the beginnings of stacking form on top of eachother. Neat stuff!
Hey Marshall! Decided to do 3 objects I found around my house as practice for the assignment. This was real tough, but also really exciting! I feel like I was making myself uncomfortable but in the fun, learning way. This was done before watching the blob technique videos so I can get a more clear vision of what I am currently lacking when it comes to working with this. I also wanted to try to challenge myself and draw a simplified character in perspective with the head and body being in different angles, and that, alongside the character's ears, made it very hard to determine in more extreme angles. I'm pretty sure I wasn't able to get it right, but at least it's a current approximation of my current skills and provides a roadmap of what to work on. Something I've noticed is that I am lacking is proper technique and learning to properly apply concepts about perspective taught to me fully,.. I like to see it like working on a puzzle, where while the edges and outer shapes are put together, the inner shapes are still missing to really tie things together. Like the concepts of perspective are there, but that lack of a deeper knowledge is what is making feel like I'm rowing without a paddle at many times. Hopefully I can learn how to tie everything together in this course and that feeling can go away. That said, line systems do help me vaguely with learning how to get there, even if i am just being introduced to them now for the first time. I also realized that later on, I should have just winged some of the squares for the harder angles, instead of measuring where they converge. I feel like that would have helped with training my eye better. I might also have gone a bit overboard with the foreshortening, but that was mostly because I wanted to have clear converging points, and not have it fall off the paper (it wasn't successful in some cases). But again, I will try to train my eye in the future. Overall, fun exercise! Looking forward to more assignments and videos this year!
These are gorgeous! I especially love the fire extinguisher.
Happy new year, Marshall! Quick question about this, do we need to think about the vanishing points when doing this assignment? Also, when is this assignment due
Marshall Vandruff
Think very little about the vanishing points. Getting them truly correct takes thought that will bog you down for this task. Instead, think of a general direction and aim "out there" for it. If it's wrong (and it will be), it's alright. We are sculpting with big lumps to begin. I'll explain much more about how to do this in the next few lessons, but I think that if you first try and try again, your attempts will set you up for the explanations. Not sure about the due date until I schedule a trip to the studio, but it will be no earlier than Jan 20.
Here are some warmups done over the last couple days. Some with pencil, some with pen, and some digitally (gotta mix it up). The hardest part is making sure each line intersects in the middle accurately. I've realized that with different sized circles, I have to take different approaches to make them as accurate as possible. Of course, smaller circles are easier, so my tunnel vision tends to prefer them better. But I want to kick that, so I tried to fit in as many bigger circles where possible. For big circles, plotting out the beginning and end and looking at my destination, not where my pencil is traveling, leads to better results. It changes too; sometimes looking at the entire circle leads to better results, sometimes focusing on the split parts of the circle makes them better. It fluctuates. Is this normal? My lines are wobbly too; a mix of both line confidence and trying to strike the balance of accuracy vs speed. Just gotta keep hammering it down Also threw in some miscellaneous warmups doodles to spice things up inbetween. Cheers!
I loved dissecting these pieces! Some of these pieces lean less on certain elements and more on others, but it's good to know you don't always have to use every card in every piece. Foreshortening, Convergence, and Diminution have been parts of perspective I've always struggled with; ESPECIALLY WITH CHARACTERS. Showing how much to foreshorten has always been my white whale. Having this organized into these 5 elements really does help a lot (and DC FOA is much more memorable for me than you'd think!) ___ Part 1: 1 - Mogoon 1 Diminution - 5/5 - This image believably portrays a sense of space by showing characters and environments becoming smaller as the image goes back in space. Due to the narrow focal length, aspects like the hood of the car appear far larger than the unimpressed girl in the background. The hierarchy of objects in the image getting smaller is uninterrupted and flows quite naturally. Convergence - 4/5 - Due to the narrow lens, the 3 vanishing points of this image (3 point perspective) are quite close to the image itself. While not all lines meet up quite exactly at the vanishing point, showing that it was done mostly by eye, it also shows that Mogoon, the artist, is able to believably portray a sense of space throughout the image. Foreshortening - 5/5 - This was the main reason I chose this piece. While the piece isn't fully polished, I wanted to see past that and look at it from a more technical point of view. Many aspects, from the characters to the car to the road itself, portray an excellent sense of foreshortening. The narrow lens here adds really well to increasing the high, tense energy of the piece. Really makes you wonder what crazy adventure they are having. Overlap - 4/5 - The piece uses overlap to believably show the placement of different subjects in the image, from the building in the background, to the characters, to the window, to the front of the car.While arguably you can say that the characters get a little lost due to the amount overlap, you can also see it as intentional; the characters see, chaotic, so the assemble and overlap of the amount of characters in this vehicle should show that. Atmosphere - 2/5 - This piece is mainly a sketch, so it didn't mind itself too much with atmosphere; that said, the railing and buildings in the back are faded as it goes back in space. 2 - Mogoon 2 Diminution - 4/5 - The power boxes believably move back in space in the background. Furthermore, the character's leg is slightly bigger in size as it is closer to the camera. The head is also smaller to account for that too. Convergence - 2/5 - While this is still done in a wider lens, the lines do not necessarily converge to the same point. It is definitely done by eye. That said, I still think it is believably done. Foreshortening - 4/5 - Mogoon loves his narrow lens. Other examples are posted below of his other work. Aspects like the legs and the wall makes her feel realized in her environment. Overlap - 3/5 - This scene is more quiet than the other image I chose by the same artist. And it shows with less overlap. The main overlap happens with the electrical boxes in the back, as well as the character being in front of the steps. Atmosphere - 3/5 - The use of blur and the wall fading to yellow (a higher value), as well as aspects of the environment and character slowly heading towards that yellow hue, shows depth in the drawing. 3 - Zero808 1 Diminution - 1/5 - The appeal of this image for me involves other aspects of the drawing in perspective; Diminution is not one of them. Showing a wider lens, the character is more flat in space, mainly showing some depth with the image closest to the left. Convergence - 1/5 - You can tell the artist did this by eye. A lot of the lines meet up in places that far exceed the canvas. If I'm honest, I'm not quite sure how to properly figure out where lines converge in drawings with a flatter lens. I tend to overthink them so I may or may not be wrong in my findings. Foreshortening - 4/5 - This and overlap are the main reasons I chose this piece. Foreshortening in places like the bodies as well as the jetpack (you can see the artist break down the jetpack in the process gif posted below.) a lot was considered when putting this together. Overlap - 4/5 - The other reason I chose this drawing. This is a character design with a high focus on overlapping features, and I think despite the overwhelming amount of detail, I think Zero808 was able to believably put them together in different angles that feel consistent with each other. The image on the right further shows the overlap, with the arm and the gun she is holding being further in the background. Atmosphere - 1/5 - Since this is a character drawing, there is little to no use of atmosphere to create depth. The main tricks you can see are parts of the body that overlap have a subtle fade to white to make different parts of the drawing that overlap much clearer. 4 - NIY_003 - 1 Diminution - 5/5 - The environment gets smaller as it goes back, as well as other elements such as the light. This piece also plays a real nice trick: Despite the monster in the background appearing smaller than the characters close to the viewer, the monster still appears to be much bigger, due to the context of how the walls, ceiling, and floor move back in space. Fascinating stuff. Convergence - 4/5 - This was also an example where I'm not the best at figuring out vanishing points. However I do know that the vanishing point for the walls leads to the center, leading the eyes to the monster in the process. Foreshortening - 3/5 - With a wider lens, this is much more effective for an environment shop. You can see objects bending in space though, like the floors, ceiling, walls, and the character bending over as she picks up the other character. Overlap - 5/5 - Great use of overlap to show the depth of the environment and how far the figures are from each other in the image. Excellent use of a wider lens here. Atmosphere - 4/5 - Looking solely at the values of this piece, the value gets darker as it goes back in space, a metaphor of a fearful fate. Part 2 below.
Part 2 5 - NIY_003 - 2 Diminution - 4/5 - Plenty of examples of objects going from big to small, such as the staircase, the railing, and the path where the character is walking. Lots of rock rubble of similar sizes also reinforce the sense of space. Convergence - 3/5 - This one I am quite confused on how to measure. Since the floor moves in space, as well as there being many different factors that come into play such as the character and the rocks, it can be very easy to get lost in the multiple vanishing points each object makes. I hope to learn how to simplify the thinking in this course Foreshortening - 3/5 - The character is accurate in perspective, and aspects from their body to their legs accurately show it moving in space. The stairs and stair railing also show this. Overlap - 3/5 - Plenty of objects overlap the floor such as the rock rubble, and the railing being in front of the staircase on the right shows the staircase to the left of the viewer is in front and higher than the staircase to the right Atmosphere - 5/5 - The atmosphere is the best part of this illustration. The flashlight used to bring focus to the character but making everything darker really adds to the overall mood of ths piece. The staircase to the right of us being the darkest part of this illustration also shows that it is farther away in space than the staircase on the left. (edited) 6 - Zero808 - 2 Diminution - 4/5 - This piece feels mostly believable that the objects are going through space. The guitar feels consistent in size in the background, as does the boxes in front of the character Convergence - 5/5 - The narrow focal lens makes the piece feel dynamic. The vanishing points are real close to the drawing. Foreshortening - 5/5 - Also because of the narrow focal lens, almost everything in this piece has foreshortening applied to it, and with believable accuracy. Overlap - 5/5 - The overlap of plenty of objects here gives the viewer plenty to look at. It also helps give off the idea of a messy room in space. Atmosphere - 2/5 - Since this is a black and white sketch, there are minimal methods used to show depth. Mainly the white glow around the character to make her stand out from the background, and the faint reflection the mirror gives are the primary examples of atmosphere used in this piece. (edited) 7 - Krenz Diminution - 5/5 This piece is a feast for the eyes. Krenz is truly a master of perspective. You can see plenty of objects getting smaller as it goes through space, such as the lakes getting smaller, as well as the similarly sized buildings getting smaller as it goes through space. Not everything is smaller though, the girl is one of the biggest aspects of this drawing, showing how she is closest to the camera. Convergence - 4/5 - A wider lens helps to show environment drawings. I am also confused with this one, as there are plenty of objects in the environment that twist and turn; how does one simplify without getting lost in measuring individually? There has to be a way to save time Foreshortening - 2/5 - Another aspect of the drawing that is slightly lessened by the wider focal lens. That said, buildings and railways are still believably in 3D. The railing especially that heads towards the viewer is a good example of foreshortening. Overlap - 5/5 - A beautiful environment, with many objects at play that have overlap plenty of times. If organized into layers like below, they give a hint into how the drawing was organized. Atmosphere - 4/5 The drawing follows the rules of darkest up close, lightest out front. While I do feel that the character and environment she is standing on could be darkened more, I think the outside environment organically goes from a darker value to a lighter value. (edited) 8 - Nier Automata - Diminution - 5/5 As buildings go back, they head smaller, and have less detail, making it easier on the eyes. The buildings in front are massive in comparison. Also to note here is that the character in front is still smaller than the buildings surrounding him and in the distance, compared to other drawings where the character in front is larger. This is to put more focus on the environment and the scale of the world in front of them. Convergence - 5/5 - Once again, a much wider lens is used for this environment. That said, I can still find the vanishing points for most of these objects. Foreshortening - 4/5 - Lots of foreshortening used in this piece for the buildings and character. A question to ask is how much of the top of the buildings should be shown in an environment like this? This is what I hope to have answered in this course. Overlap - 5/5 - Like the Krenz piece, this beautiful environment has many objects overlapping it to show depth and how close certain buildings are compared to other buildings this piece. Atmosphere - 5/5 - The character stands out well amongst the environment, and the environment organically gets brighter as it moves back in space.
Thanks for the critique, Marshall! To clear some things up on my end, this exercise ended up being accidentally freehand for me. I wasn't properly thinking of the isometric forms being made up of specific angles. Here, I mostly eyeballed the parallel lines of each edge, drew it out, and then used a regular ruler to keep my lines straight; and the results are definitely telling, haha. I think afterwords,looking at the later videos about using the rulers and graph paper, and now this video, I have a better understanding of what this exercise was meant to teach. I really appreciate the critique!
Tried to fit them all on one page, I hope it's not too confusing to read! I also added little notes to the side to keep me focused on certain issues I'm having. Definitely got me more used to using the new tools! The ruler and 0.05 mechanical pencil were mainly used here. I'm going to have to use the Triangle Rulers more because I don't think some of these are accurate to 60 degrees! Definitely something I need to hammer in to me in the future. I think the main problems I'm having here are consistency with line angles and proportion. I can't seem to get them consistently down, even if I do measure with the ruler. The ruler does come in handy though, and it does help with measuring proportions more accurately than by hand. That and other problems like angles of ellipses and other box angles; topics that will probably be addressed in our studies later down the line. Also tried to make a some of the boxes transparent; this really made me have to think about accurate form, but it sure made the exercise feel more challenging and fun! Also for the one at the bottom, I went and did a little peer study of one of Sandra Salem's pages. It's not accurate, but I thought the shapes she choose were so cool! Definitely need to work on accuracy, proportion, and angles as the lessons continue, but this was a really fun exercise regardless!
Sandra Salem
What a surprise when I was watching Marshall's critique at this assignment and saw my name by chance on your page, lol! Thank You Espy for including my drawing in your studies! That encourages me to keep working at these assignments! Great submission by the way!
Daniel Korolik Kogan
Wow it looks like you already have a really good understanding of perspective. That is very well executed :O
I like the grittiness of it, the texture. It is almost tactile.
Johannes S.
looks cool!
It's so eyeopening getting a deeper look at how artists utilize their mastery of perspective and bend it at their will to create different and unique results. The dance both perspective and composition to get there. Between the last lesson and this one, I really like your discussions about composition and how crucial they are to making any piece of art effective. I would love in the future to take a composition course from you if you're ever planning to do so in the future, or have previously done so before. Or at the very least, I would love to know where I can take a course to learn more about that. Obviously that would be something to pursue later after this course, but It's definitely one part of the fundamentals of art that really fascinate me.
Marshall Vandruff
Don't miss Molly Bang's book: It's the simplest and best, but not comprehensive. I will add more to that recommendation list soon...
Charlie Nicholson
We would love to someday do a composition class with Marshall, it's a subject he's taught at local colleges
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