Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
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Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2

Course In Progress

Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2

Course In Progress

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In this lesson, we'll transform basic shapes into dynamic rock formations by extruding forms in perspective. Building on previous work, you'll learn how to pull and expand shapes to create complex structures. We cover techniques like using contour lines to visualize how forms wrap and turn in space, and how to avoid tangents for clearer drawings. You'll explore bending, twisting, and distorting shapes to form organic structures, and add realistic details like cracks and splits. The lesson also emphasizes balancing areas of detail with areas of rest to enhance your compositions and develop your ability to think in 3D.

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