Filippo Galli
Filippo Galli
Activity Feed
Filippo Galli
Gold. started rough but it got better after the 3rd. stumbled again on the last one.
Filippo Galli
Filippo Galli
Filippo Galli
Plastic and ceramic.
Filippo Galli
Monsters and Well! I think that in terms of bounce light I always tend to dim it down a notch. This comes from trying to keep the value structure clear with separated light and dark families, so that bounce light isn't brighter than any halftone. Perhaps I'll push it a bit further in the next studies and artworks and really make it pop.
Filippo Galli
I didn't think I would have had this many failed attempts, yet here we are. I think what I'm missing is a better planification and to constantly keep an eye on my line systems so that they all check out, which.. they don't in these. All drawn digitally free-hand to practice drawing straight lines, it's definitely much harder on a sceen tablet's slippery surface compared to pencil on paper.
Marshall Vandruff
Good work!
Filippo Galli
Direct light on week 1's assignments with the most concern over getting accurate shadows. Monsters with one and two different light sources, only taking direct light and ambient occlusion in consideration; I also haven't really applied much light falloff, but I'll try to give that more importance during the next weeks.
Filippo Galli
Week 1 assignments!
Filippo Galli
3 ain't much, I know, but it's the most I can do tonight. Top left and right have 8 strokes, bottom left has 4.
Filippo Galli
Week 1: Drawing fast is absolutely not my strong suit so these'll be here an there with quality.. But hey, that ain't no good excuse to not participate!
Filippo Galli
Week 2: Little improvement, I think!
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