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Miqdad (Mick Dad) Ali
added comment inThe Gesture Course
Hello! Will this course have critique videos for its assignments?
Yes, it will.
Miqdad (Mick Dad) Ali
The BLOB approach!
I enjoyed this! I think that because the blobs weren't very intimidating to draw I was able to get many more repetitions in and improve how I fit my boxes around them and how I was able to use my contour lines to show their shape. I focused mainly on drawing various boxes in the beginning and as I gained more confidence I started exploring more complex shapes. In particular I really enjoyed drawing more "wormy" looking blobs like the ones on the bottom of the 4th page. thinking about the convex curve pointing away the same direction the object points away was another really useful cue for me!
towards the end I felt like everything was beginning to get a bit messy as I added convex and concave contours on my blob and then fit a box around it too. I used different coloured pencils to help me make the different objects read more clearly, but I don't think that helped much. Does anyone have any tips they would recommend? I know its slightly off topic from perspective, but I would like to know how I can layer more onto my page in a decipherable way so I can kind of comment and elaborate on my perspective drawings a bit more.
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Hi, Please feel free to have a browse through some of my drawings and feedback is always welcome! I'm going to ramble on a bit with my experience with this assignment. This was a whole lot of fun, although it did take me a while to get through! I spent roughly a day on each page, except for the planes which took longer. I found that drawing very boxy shapes like my cat eared note holder, toy train and earphones case were not too difficult to draw. They felt very much like drawing simple boxes with a few little marks here and there to show a change in form. the clock was much more challenging as I was turning a cylinder into a box and that kept throwing me off from getting the positioning of the alarm bells right. it was also really difficult to figure out how I wanted to rotate those alarm bells so I settled for just having them float on top of the main body and focussed instead on the perspective of the simpler forms. Finally, the planes! I took these on as a challenge after watching Peter Han draw his train! It was a lot of fun and I noticed a shift in how I look at objects from "this is a plane" to "this is a war plane designed to be light, fast and powerful. it needs to mount its guns here..." and so on. that part was fun! getting the perspective right was much more challenging though! I'm finding that trying to fit multiple boxes in the same world and make them look like they're aligned is so much more challenging than drawing individual boxes. And the scaffolding of perspective lines can be really easy to get lost in if I'm not focussed. this was also my first time using tracing paper and though I liked how clean my results ended up, It did make me realise that i quite liked the charm of having some underlying construction lines. anyways, lots of learning and lots of realising how much i have yet to learn! I will do my best to get my future assignments done in time for the critique :)
Nice!,really love the plane constructions.did you do these with free hand or with rulers?,either way the forms look solid and the proportions look correct aswell!
keep up the good work👍
Andreas Kra
Here we are distilling the wisdom of this lesson into blobs. I experimented further with the blob approach, starting by dividing the blob shape into a black and white side to better understand its orientation. It's been fun trying to connect the perspective knowledge from earlier to this exercise!
I created some progress charts to illustrate my thought process—maybe they'll be helpful for you!
I really like your idea of shading half of the blob! it helps read the orientation of the blob much faster which makes it easier to read when rotating it. I'm going to try this in some of my own blobs. thanks for sharing :)
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after drawing each line once, I continued over them going in the opposite direction too. I noticed I'm a lot more wobbly going from the right to the left.
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Feeling a bit uncertain on this one so feedback would be super welcome!
Lantern Rite, by Christina Ji
D: Much - the lanterns and edges of the building get smaller as they go up and away from us. This has also been done to some degree with the clouds
C: Some - I can see converging lines along the wooden beams sticking out of the ceilings and also some along the various lanterns. I feel like this really brings out the effect of the lanterns going up and above the viewer, far out into the sky.
F: some - the beams along the bottom ceiling seem to foreshorten as they are turned to face us (closer to the right side of the screen). I can also see this effect in the tiles just above those beams.
O: much - the roofs overlap various parts of the building frequently. There are also lanterns overlapping the building as well as being overlapped by the building.
A: Much - there is lots of atmospheric fading especially towards the right side of the artwork and also at the edge of the clouds before the building overlaps it. The lanterns that are furthest away also seem to be faded into the background. The atmosphere is actually the perspective trick that I like the most in this artwork.

Sinister War #1 Cover art - Kael Ngu
D: some - Pigeons in the front are larger than pigeons towards the back of the scene. Can also see some diminution with the builidings, both in the sizes of the front vs back buildings as well as the size of details on the buildings e.g average window sizes smaller towards back of frame.
C: some - Cross contour lines on buildings towards right converging towards the left. All buildings seem to be converging up towards the sky. Feels like there may also be some covering lines on spidey’s body (e.g. his left arm) but I think that has more to do with the angle of the elipses’ contouring his arm changing as they move away from us.
F: some - Can see foreshortening on his fingers and leg as they move away from us.
O: much - spidey overlaps web and buildings. Web overlaps pigeon. Other pigeons also overlap buildings. Buildings overlap one another.
A: some - a fair bit of atmosphere in the buildings in the back, but also some on the pigeons as a few of the pigeons blend into the background of the scene.
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Here are some isometric drawings I made! I wanted to focus on getting my lines to travel the same way and to look neat on paper. At first I was just putting down simple lines but then I realised I wanted to add a little bit of shading to make it clearer which way the faces of my objects were facing. So far I've just copied isometric illusions I have found online and in doing so I feel I have gotten much better at using my straight and triangular rulers. Now I want to start experimenting with my own illusions and hopefully submit them too!