In this demo, I’ll show you how to design and draw the perspective of a treehouse for the gestural architecture project.
Starting with concept sketches, I explore different shapes and ideas, focusing on the tree trunk's dynamic gesture contrasted with the treehouse's structure. I experiment with various designs, considering perspective and silhouette, and refine the perspective of the structural elements to finish it off.

Here’s my follow along!
The guy from BluishDot
I found this demo to be quite inspirational, so I decided to give the exercises another go.
Since I don't have any markers, I tried doing the initial exploration phase with a charcoal pencil. Although I wasn't as effective as a marker, it did the job for now.
After a couple attempts, I ended up with a result I am quite happy with.
Thanks again for the great demonstration!

Jack H
My second attempt at this project. My L1 houses seem kinda boring so maybe I should push the shapes a bit more. For L2, I may have gotten a little carried away. It went from a tree house to a treehouse creature thing. Nevertheless, thumbnailng at the start did help me quickly generate possible ideas and act on the ones I liked, so it was quite useful.
Post critique attempt: I spent too much time on details and not enough on houses. I need to work on size and scale of elements in perspective. I wanted the base of the tree to seem extremely close and the tops of the trees to look really far away, but I don’t think I captured that. Did I need to make the roots larger? I know the ladder looks weird. I rushed through that and it shows.
8mo i found a new favorite artist that draws buildings with personality. Gary Frederick
Really nice, I love it!

Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Liked it a lot..thanks for sharing
Gannon Beck
Love this!
Following along with the master.
Mon Barker
Nice 👍
Mon Barker
Had another stab at the treehouse having watched the demo. I’ve always just started drawing with an image in my head that I want to get on paper, which evolves as I get ideas whilst drawing until a satisfactory result or utter frustration as my skill level fails me. Bolting on the experimentation phase at the beginning seems a really neat way to start from a better foundation/solving the big problems.
Love the final outcome. Great process.
Tuija Kuismin
Thanks for this demo, it was an absolute joy. I have to tell you it calmed me down, a lot. I love how it ties up everything we've learned so far on this course and after watching this I felt like yeah, I can do this stuff! Since frustration has not been a stranger to me during this year and a half, as I believe is the case with most students here. Along with what all I've learned since the beginning of this course, I learned from this demo that patience is the key. I was also reminded of Jeff Watts' demo in which he imprinted "think first, then draw" in my brain. I've gotten so much out of the perspective section of this course that... wow. I cannot wait for the shading part.
I am overall an art baby. Drawing from reference is like 2-3 year old kid. Drawing from imagination is like an almost 1-year-old kid. Designing is like a cell, not even a baby. Designing seems like the biggest and hardest boss to beat in this game. But at least Stan showed that it is beatable and its inspiring to see the process

onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
Yes, Stan shows us that eventually, we can draw anything with good exercise and careful planning.
Your art personality looks far more mature than you said, by the way, The assignments you submitted for Gestural Architecture are well-considered and beautiful!

Great Stan, thanks for the demo.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.