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Stan, thanks for the intro to Light and Shadow. Here are some eye balls I tried to shade a while back. They don't look right any help would be great, thanks.
Stan Prokopenko
Those are good! Next up you should try putting those irises on an eyeball and make that 3d. That's very appropriate since we just learned about spheres. After you get the hang of that, the challenge will be putting those eyeballs into eye sockets, and wrapping eyelids around them in a way that you can still feel the round eyeball pushing through!
So the drill has been replaced by a very heavy looking Anchor. I feel Sunk ! " Figure Out" - Does this expression mensa you used mathematics? Marshall thanks for sharing the critiques.
Johannes S.
I am so proud that I finally managed to contribute to a video in this course! lol
I'm off the the optician tomorrow Johannes. S :)
Marshall, thanks for another brilliant lesson. Here is my first attempt drawing Orthographic Views of a Bird House. I did it freehand and got the proportions out of whack ! I think the back view of the house should be above the front view. Any feedback would be great.
Will someone please explain to me how one figures out where the major axis crosses? I know it’s perpendicular to the minor axis (which vanishes into the vp) but I don’t know how to figure out where the heck to put it along the minor axis. I am literally having nightmares about this. 😭😭😭😭
Aura I'm sorry my posts have added to your confusion. I too struggle with this topic. Johannes S, posted a great circle / ellipses animation. From the animation I my understanding is: A circle in perspective is an ellipse. Draw an accurate ellipse on paper and cut it out. An ellipse has 4 equal quadrants. An ellipse when correctly drawn it should pass the fold test along both axis. If folded along the major axis both halves should match exactly. If folded along the minor axis both halves should match exactly. If folded in quarter all quadrants should match. Observing Johannes's Animation As the cube tilts away, the yellow circle centre line ( it becomes the Ellipse Major Axis) moves toward the viewer. As this happens the circle changes into an ellipse. Viewed as an ellispse with repect to the moving yellow line the yellow line moves toward the viewer, to maintain the ellispses' major axis, minor axis and it's four equal quadrants. Notice also, as the cube rotates 90 degrees, so does the minor axis maintaining the conditions required by the ellipse. When viewing the circle as a circle in perspective. The circle centre is determined by the cube diagonals intersection. This is observed as the front half being larger than the back half of the circle. Remember: A circle in Perspective, is viewed with respect to a centre line drawn through the circle diagonals (cube diagonals) intersection. Not with respect to the ellipse major axis. The major axis is only used to create the ellipse. Fingers crossed Marshall Vandruff will cover Ellipses and Circles in Perspective in his Perspective Course. If my observations above are wrong, I'd appreciate feedback, thanks. Johannes S, Circle / Ellipse Animation.
Marshall, thanks for these amazing demos. These are forever for sure. I like that you even incorporated your own slomo sound effect: " Heeerrrrreeee"! ...........I will be using that too, as I practice. You are just Plane magic !
Just wondering if there is anyone can organise with the powers that be regarding the Zolly installation location option during install?
Thanks again for access to this brilliant perspective course. There are so many creative folk on this course. I've been practicing to draw Freehand, some simple items as instructed in an earlier topic. First in 45 degree view and then repositioned (imagined), as you explained. I'd like to better understand how to think this imagined view through manually first. Are there more lessons coming with this thought in mind before using such a tool? The Zolly app looks amazing Marshall. Are you saying Zolly's an essential tool to continuing in your course moving forward?
Marshall Vandruff
An essential tool? Not at all! Artists have been mastering perspective long before the Zolly App! But for the past six months, we have worked to create an app we wished for. If it seems to you like it will help, it probably will. We put a lot into making it easy to use. Regarding your question about "how to think this imagined view through manually first", it may help to review the reminders: One is that if you are having trouble, begin simply with blobs. Another is that precise positioning will be found in the three axes of a block. Soon. Another is that for most students, it requires work to conjure a new position. Take time to envision. Understanding is important, but so is the ability to "see" what isn't there — a skill worth practicing. Perhaps the most important reminder is the answer to your final question: not only are there more lessons to come about this, the whole course is about this! Drawing what you imagine... I hope this helps, Dermot; Zolly App or No Zolly App.
Marshalll, great lesson. I for sure need this ! Here are some of my attempts. My lines are terrible messy sorry, but I have to draw something. When drawing the card boxes from blobs, I found my blobs were too small or the wrong shape. The sellotape dispenser had me lost when working on simplifying it with blobs. I feel I compromised the purpose of the blobs! Help! Please. :)
Ron Kempke
You're never going to learn how to draw boxes unless you actually set one up and draw it from many different locations. This is the only way perspective is going to make any sense to you too.
Michael Giff
I've been struggling with the box of cads and some community members offered advice on how to use the blob better. You can find the thread here or maybe a bit quicker on my profile The long and short of it is that the blob is more used to dictate the basic perspective and not necessary used for the size (though it may help with that as well, Marshall mentions that they can be used to help with form studies and would elaborate in a later lesson) Screen grabbing and copying Marshall's example helped me a little bit as well. Hopefully someone wiser and more capable can offer you more targeted advice. Best of luck in your journey.
Stan and Gang, Happy New Year 2025 and best wishes to all. Great lesson and thanks for creating the Value Study Tool, amazing. :) I don't want to sound ungrateful but would appreciate to understand the choice between using the Value Study Tool and Photoshop Gradient Map Layer. When you explain the tool is like Photoshop' Gradient Map Layer but with some additional features added, does that imply the Value Study Tool as overall more suited for the Value Studies than Photoshop?
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