How to Draw Hands – Muscle Anatomy of the Hand

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How to Draw Hands – Muscle Anatomy of the Hand

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It's time to get your hands dirty! Your homework is to draw hand quick-sketches. Focus on the three fleshy masses I talked about today. Your goal is to create drawings with good gesture and simple 3D form. Make sure you use a good balance of straights and curves. Identify the superficial bony areas and check to make sure your muscle forms attach to the right spots on the bones. Be sure to post your drawings in the Anatomy discussions tab, so that you can get feedback and possibly included in the critique video.

Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
I am in a different country so I can‘t use my scanner. But i tried to take a good picture: Here is my hands assignment. I was doing all the assignments with the mechanical 2mm pencil that proko recommends. Shading always felt kind of tough because there is not much of „edge control“ you can do with a mechanical pencil. So always I wanted to start with charcoal but learning two new things: anatomy + charcoal is a recipe for frustration. So now - after I finished the anatomy course - i will practice more anatomy with charcoal. I watched the latest Nosferatu movie and wanted to make a Count Orlok hand :)
Rachel Dawn Owens
Wow! You’re drawing so much for this class and it all looks so amazing! These hands are very impressive. You can still render soft edges with graphite if you use a smudge tool. Also, the prismacolor ebony pencil is a good one that can be sharpened like charcoal to get a variety of marks. It’s a personal favorite of mine. I also included a drawing from the brilliant artist Soey Milk who does some amazing drawings using graphite pencils. It is possible to get smooth shading with graphite. It just requires more time and work than charcoal. I love charcoal drawing because it is so fast. It’s good to practice with both. You will learn a bunch from using either tool. Your drawings are looking excellent. Very sharp. Maybe soften it up a touch in certain areas to add more variety and contrast.
Here are my assignments. So excited to study the hands.
Melanie Scearce
Wow, very nice!
Melanie Scearce
Drawing hands is challenging; even a minor error can undermine a great deal of effort. I have attempted it three times already. Pay attention to the invisible small finger knuckle, the 'raccourcis' of the hand, and especially the thumb.
Initially, I estimated it by sight. Then, I realized it was an abbreviated view and incorporated several vertical lines. Next, I considered the grids of 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 proportions, as well as a square with diagonals. Subsequently, I observed that the top of the hand was curved, which meant I needed to examine the subject closely since even minor alterations can significantly affect the realism of the hand's depiction.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @j4e8a16n, nice study! - When you drew the hand, what was your process like? I think knowing that will help me with giving feedback. 😎👍
Really difficult lesson, #6 feels off but I’m not certain why
Another, batch of hands studies that I have made, I've showed the process of gesture, construction and the final results. On the hand that is spread out all the way, I had troubles with its perspective and foreshorten, I forgot that the palm is smaller and the fingers are bigger. I tried my best to overlap the best I could with it but there only so many things you can do to make a garbage can look ''nice''. The webbing of the hands confused me but over all I just failed. feed back are welcome btw. (also my reference choice kinda sucked because the images were low quality)
Andreas Güntensperger
Some more Handpractice. Sometimes i struggling with the proportions but it is getting better...
Thank you very much, I will work at his..
Thank you very much, I will work at his..
These are my batch of hands studies that I have made, I've showed the process of gesture, construction and the final results. The gesture part, its getting easier the more I do them and the I'm getting faster with that process, but I have trouble with putting the palm in perspective. Other than that the rest are pretty simple, but I do double check my proportions and try to make them as dynamic as possible, but I would still like outside feedback on it. The Construction part, for me the only problem I run into is that, the Phalanges Are pretty tricky for me because it feel like when I start to box them they look at little off, I don't know if my construction is good enough to move to the next stage. The Final part, I combined the muscle shapes with adding the flesh, but I still feel like its wrong. Also its pretty hard to add subtly because I'm only limited to line art, so I try my best to add light hatching, but I feel like I don't know what the hell I'm doing in the final part, I don't know if I have to get better at line art, study other artist because it looks bland and a little underwhelming. This is a pretty long, but I want to know how to get better at drawing hands.
Andreas Güntensperger
Still struggling a little bit with the Hands. I don't know is it the proportion, the Gesture or the Structure. Or maybe it is just me, because i'm watched to long on my pictures. Feedback welcome :)
Melanie Scearce
You have a great grasp (pun intended) on the gesture and structure of the hands from what I can see here. Great job!
Ash Chung
Just some practice...
JooYoung Choi
Wow those are awesome! Have you ever held a clear ruler or piece of plexiglass glass when taking your reference photos? It might be a nice way to see what the hand is doing behind the fret board :)
Patrick Bosworth
This is a great idea, finally I can practice drawing and guitar at the same time!! Terrific studies!
Ash Chung
Melanie Scearce
These look great, Ash! I especially like the first one and second drawings, the form of the muscles looks great. On the fifth drawing I noticed that the fingers looked a bit short and I think it's because the first joints are not long enough in your drawing. That's a tough pose, I think if you retried it and also focused the muscle shapes made by the palm you will get a more successful drawing out of it. Keep up the good work!
How can I make my shading look less muddy? The drawing looks patchy in some areas like the fingers.
Samuel Sanjaya
my attempt at hand quicksketches
Madelyn Kuipers
I know this wasn't exactly the assignment but I wanted to get the underlying structure of the muscles and where they sit into my head. Feedback and critiques are welcome and appreciated!
Marco Sordi
Awesome study!!
Volker Wuyts
I like the amount of effort you put in this. Very nice studies
Gannon Beck
Wow. Fantastic work!
First round of hand practice!
Steve Lenze
What you did right is describe the forms of the hand and fingers as 3 dimensional forms. I would say you lost the gesture of the hand in drawing 4, but over all, you approached this The right way by using simple shapes. As you move forward you can start refining the details a little more with perspective in mind :)
Marco Sordi
2023/11/4. Good morning everybody. Sketching hands to warm arm and brain before the daily practice. Have a great weekend 👍🏼
Martha Muniz
Awesome! :)
These are some more of my hands, they are tricky!
These are my hands so far, can someone critique them please? I don't really know how to do shading, so I struggle with that. There's also a lot of proportion issues I think, but hopefully those will go away as I practice more
Steve Lenze
Hey Jack, nice job on these hands, the fist one is pretty good. Make sure you are not loosing the 3 D shape of the hand and fingers. Think of them as boxes and other simple shapes. That will also help in your rendering them in value. Also, don't be too concerned with over emphasizing the bumps on the contour, keep it simple. I did a quick sketch that I hope helps :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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