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It looks like my head did get a littel to round/broad. And thereby the ripps and the hip did get to broad too.
It looks so much easier than it is done. Even with somthing as simpel as a knife.
The exercise has been a lot of fun. I found it much easier to just use three values, than five.
First picture, from Vincend van Gogh: D= 3/5 C= 5/5 (some strange convergence) F= 0/5 O= 5/5 A= 5/5 second picture, from Raffael: D= 5/5 C= 2/5 (some in the distand buildings) F= 5/5 O= 5/5 A= 2/5 third picture, from Raffael: D= 5/5 C= 0/5 F= 5/5 O= 5/5 A= 5/5
I found it really difficult to make some decisions in still life. At first, I did only used the middle value for the candle, but later decided to change it mostly to dark, to get more contrast. And I did make at first the shadows on the tablecloth darker, but later changed it all to the medium value. 
Rachel Dawn Owens
The first two look especially nice. You did great when simplifying the values from master paintings. I think you could simplify the still life more. Don't worry so much about drawing a candle or tablecloth. Simplify things down to just shapes and values.
This has been a fun assignment. But it needed a lot more time than expected, and I needed to adjust my idea. I hope I did get it right. 
Some lines did look wrong in this one. So I erased them. 
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