Activity Feed
I have the fealing thet they still look to much like outlines. Exspecially the legs and arms. I find it a lot more difficult to find ther gesture and not to copying ther outline.
I found it really difficult to see the shapes correctly from the front, because the blade is so tin.
Shayan Shahbazi
Very cool
I found it a lot more difficult to draw the persons in dresses/ clothes, than thougt.
It did look so easy. But I found it a lot harder to do. Exspecialy with the curvs, I were unsure where to put a line and where not.
Asked for help
It looks like my head did get a littel to round/broad. And thereby the ripps and the hip did get to broad too.
It looks so much easier than it is done. Even with somthing as simpel as a knife.
The exercise has been a lot of fun. I found it much easier to just use three values, than five.
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