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Another, batch of hands studies that I have made, I've showed the process of gesture, construction and the final results. On the hand that is spread out all the way, I had troubles with its perspective and foreshorten, I forgot that the palm is smaller and the fingers are bigger. I tried my best to overlap the best I could with it but there only so many things you can do to make a garbage can look ''nice''. The webbing of the hands confused me but over all I just failed. feed back are welcome btw. (also my reference choice kinda sucked because the images were low quality)
These are my batch of hands studies that I have made, I've showed the process of gesture, construction and the final results. The gesture part, its getting easier the more I do them and the I'm getting faster with that process, but I have trouble with putting the palm in perspective. Other than that the rest are pretty simple, but I do double check my proportions and try to make them as dynamic as possible, but I would still like outside feedback on it. The Construction part, for me the only problem I run into is that, the Phalanges Are pretty tricky for me because it feel like when I start to box them they look at little off, I don't know if my construction is good enough to move to the next stage. The Final part, I combined the muscle shapes with adding the flesh, but I still feel like its wrong. Also its pretty hard to add subtly because I'm only limited to line art, so I try my best to add light hatching, but I feel like I don't know what the hell I'm doing in the final part, I don't know if I have to get better at line art, study other artist because it looks bland and a little underwhelming. This is a pretty long, but I want to know how to get better at drawing hands.
Could someone give me feedback On these Oblique studies, I don't know if they are correct or not. the pictures are in order.
These are the mannequin studies, It took me a lot of time with these because I had to measure proportions. I feel like my mannequins are lifeless and boring, I'm having a lot of trouble with the, Head, Neck, Feet and hands. They are hard to make look good. The neck makes it look stiff and the hands and feet makes the drawing look wonky and weird. Please Give me honest feedback, I want to know what I can improve on, because its getting hard for me to see my own mistakes even if I flip the canvas(at least on the first two).
Umar Khalimov
One thing I noticed on most of these is that the ribcage and pelvis boxes are not deep enough/too flat. If you try to imagine a ribcage in those boxes you could notice that it would be way too squished. On a separate note, a couple things that helped me when drawing mannequins is actually finding the perspective of the environment that they would be in. I try to first establish a horizon line, the height of the whole figure (could just be a vertical line) and then drawing a box that represents the orientation of the figure, which forces you to find (roughly) the vanishing points. This way, you get the perspective of the whole figure and not each individual structure on its own. This will later enable you to draw that figure from a different angle by changing the perspective of the box. It's the way that Kim Jung Gi simplified his method and I personally learn a ton from practicing it, even if I want to unlive myself 2 hours in.
Melanie Scearce
Structural drawings like these tend to be pretty stiff. I think you did a great job finding the angles of the ribcage and pelvis. The only one I would adjust personally is the first one, by tilting the ribcage backwards and bringing her right hip up a bit to accentuate gesture. Whenever I do studies like these I like to counterbalance it by doing some gestural work as well. Great stuff, keep it up!
I need help with these tracings, I don't know if I have gotten any of these correct. Please Give honest feedback
Arman Jucutan
Not completely finished assignment myself but one critique I can point out is the insertion of the pecs. I think your tracings insert too far down the humerus. The actual attachment point of pecs should be under the deltoids. Great work!
The Reference photos are in order from 1-6. I would like honest feedback please don't hold back. The front of the models for me are pretty hard especially when the Scapula's are foreshortened. I also have a difficult time with angling the Clavicles because sometimes I don't know the length of them. Also are the Scapula spines I constructed good? or could it be better, pretty difficult from foreshortened angle. Feedback needed please I need help.
The Reference photos are in order from 1-6. I would like honest feedback please don't hold back. The front of the models for me are pretty hard especially when the Scapula's are foreshortened. I also have a difficult time with angling the Clavicles because sometimes I don't know the length of them. Also are the Scapula spines I constructed good? or could it be better, pretty difficult from foreshortened angle. Feedback needed please I need help.
These where done digitally, I know the cast shadows are a bit wonky and out of shape, but I need some help with seeing more mistakes in these shading studies. Also the proportions are off in the second and third one, but I cant find any more mistakes, Please critique and don't hold back I want everyone's honest feedback.
Okay thank you
Another Batch of shading studies, could someone give me honest feedback of these? I'm having trouble with the bounce light also having trouble with placing the cast shadows to look somewhat accurate to the reference, Honest feedback needed please thank you.
Well, if I had to give you some advice, it would just be to darken the shadow values ​​a little more. But everything else is fine. It shows that you understand the concept of light shadow. Keep it up!
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are perfect!
My Attempt on Anatomy Tracing, I only knew the traps and Deltoids, and Bicep and Triceps (I THINK). Also I don't have a printer and I'm not digital so I just did it in photoshop with only a touchpad... Anyone with a better eye than mine, I would like your feedback.
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