Samuel Sanjaya
I love the pain. I love the struggle. I love the frustation.
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Samuel Sanjaya
added comment inHow to Draw Feet with Structure – Foot Bone Anatomy
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foot bone construction.
Samuel Sanjaya
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Figure drawing, Ignore the note that is not red, it's just a way to test whether my thought and ticks have an effect.
I wonder if I asses my self correctly ? Since self checking like this, there could be a mistake that is overlooked or misunderstood
I hope I can get some feedback and critiques on these. Thank you
first of all I like that you actually put back your drawing on top of the refference. That's the quickest way to see where it is lacking. And by the look of it you already saw most of the problems to improve next time.
For your problem, I think your biggest problem right now is you focus too much on the smaller curves and that make you missed the bigger flow. The 5th one is your best, because I can see the right side is beautifully described with a big flow curve and the pinch on the left to balance it. But all the other you can see that you look at the smaller changes in the contour too much and miss the over all flow. I suggest you try to do what you did for the 5th one for the other, find a big curve that describe the contour the best, and then modify it a little bit for the smaller changes.
Samuel Sanjaya
Asked for help
my attempt at feet, I think a deep down anatomy studies like this is still too early for me, need to do something simpler first
Samuel Sanjaya
Asked for help
Did some mannequin again, I hope I can get some feedbacks on these. Thank you
This is great practice! I would recommend staying gestural as you lay in and work out the proportions and find that long gestural line in each pose. Also, try to work out how each piece inserts or connects to each other. This will help you create more accurate cross contour lines. Great job with this assignment and keep up the good work :)
Samuel Sanjaya
Asked for help
well.. there's an attempt..
the left is my first try, the middle one he follow along, and the right one is me trying to re-do it.
Samuel Sanjaya
Asked for help
I did some expressions study. I feel like knowing the muscles of the face will help me do this better
Hi @Samuel Sanjaya, nice studies!
- I've been trying to learn drawing facial expression for a long time. I too thought that learning the individual muscles of the face would help me do it better, but it didn't help that much. I've been studying the Disney animators a lot recently. There is an awarness of the muscles in their drawings, but they are focusing on the large masses and how they squash and stretch. You need very little detail! Just a few shapes can give a very clear expression.
So keep it to just a few shapes, give us a feeling of solidity with a rigid cranium, then have the features squash and stretch on top of it; have all the features affect eachother. I did a paintover explaining this in more detail.
It might help to do some studies of facial expressions drawn by a Disney animator.
I hope this helps :) Let me know if you have any questions!
Nice work Samuel! You're getting a great balance of fluidity and form in your gestures :) I do notice a tendency to lean more on curves, especially in the last page. Keep an eye out especially for slight curves, which can be simplified into straight lines. That helps add more variety and contrast into the drawing.
Keep up the great work, you're doing awesome!
Samuel Sanjaya
Asked for help
My figure drawing session this week. Consisted of nude and clothed figures. and some gesture warmups. I feel like I still have some trouble simplifying clothes and hair, especially on folds. Which folds to omit, which folds to include. Any feedbacks/critiques on things to improve on will be greatly appreciated ! Thank you !
Love the gesture sketches! With the drapery, I like to think about where the points of tension are in the pose. In this pose, there are two pinch points in the elbows where the fabric is folded tightly together, so the shapes that are created all fan out from those areas and will create the most dramatic fold effects. The arms held over the head creates tension in the overall form of the fabric due to gravity. Another thing to consider as well is the anatomy of the figure underneath the fabric. Drawing clothes is difficult so don't get discouraged if you don't get it right away. Keep practicing with gesture drawings and learning anatomy and you'll find it becomes easier to place drapery!
Asked for help
My attempt at hamstrings tracing. Well, This is too complicated for me right now. I'm not ready for an in depth studies like this