Steve Lenze
Steve Lenze
Professional artist from the animation industry. traditional 2D animation. storyboard. character design.
Activity Feed
Steve Lenze
The shape in front of the strap is the anterior deltoid, and because the deltoid is rotated forward, the second shape in the back is the shoulder blade or scapula pushing up.
Steve Lenze
Nice design Nicolette. There are a few things that I think could help you with your drawing. To start with, the torso is too long which makes the legs and arms look way too short. Also make sure you think about gravity and the way it will effect her clothing, especially the tears in the pants. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Nicolette Ajamian
this is great advice, thank you so much!
Steve Lenze
Nice drawing. What I noticed is that you are using parallel lines along the front of the blouse. Also, the shape of the breasts would effect the the shape of the opening in the front of the blouse.
Steve Lenze
You are making the reflected light too light. Nothing in the shadow should be as light as anything in the light side.
Tino Latzko
Thank you Steve
Steve Lenze
If you think about the underlying form, it will help to add details that will help give the eye some dimension.
Steve Lenze
Hey Hakeem, The issue I am seeing is that your shapes for the torso and pelvis are not relating to each other properly. Remember that the torso tilts back and the pelvis tilts down. If this relationship isn't there, it will stiffen up the pose. I hope this helps :)
Steve Lenze
I really dig this drawing, and I think the rendering looks cool. What I see is that it needs a little structure in the head and torso. The hands are a little small and the right forearm feels too small. I did a quick sketch to show you what I see, I hope it helps :)
Richard Barkman
Excellent! Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time! I'll see what I can do.
Steve Lenze
What I'm seeing is that the features are not lining up, and the proportions are off. I suggest you start with the Loomis head proportions and then adjust for character :)
Steve Lenze
Remember that even manga/ anime uses structure in their drawings. Try to build the character from simple shapes first, work out the gesture and the perspective, then add your details :)
Steve Lenze
What you did right was add the background value which makes it easier to judge your other values. Nice job.
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