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WOW I can’t believe I’m done! I had some trouble understanding the shape of the fibula and tibia ankle bumps I’m so thankful for this course - I can really see how my understanding has improved over my sketches and character art. I’m sure i will be returning at some point, and I know i will be referring to the notes I took for a long time :)
find it challenging identifying and shading the lower leg muscles, since they are so narrow and squished
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are amazing anatomy studies! The shadows on the calf might be a bit sharp, but that’s all. The sharp edges look perfect on the knees and ankles, but you want to keep the muscles softer than the bones. I hope this is helpful. Keep it up :)
A good challenge, had so much difficulty on the last one
Felt like i was really guessing here and would appreciate any corrections!
Hard to see where each head separates sometimes!
Had a trouble with knowing where the adductors end from behind
Asked for help
Quite difficult but the butterfly simplification makes it easier, and more enjoyable :)
Had trouble capturing the gesture + proportions, especially the thinness of the heel bone. Had to use 100% of my brain to focus when doing the toes as well haha
Leg bones! The more you know :) finding it difficult to locate the femur on the surface
Theres no assignment but I thought it would be worthwhile to practice fists a little.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Ezra, nice studies! The hand could feel more clearly connected to the lower arm by having them interact more. I did a paintover with some tips! I hope this helps :)
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