How to Draw an Eye – Real-Time Demo


How to Draw an Eye – Real-Time Demo

Stan Prokopenko
Learn how to draw the eye, step-by-step.
Sumit Gupta
How to draw eye from various angles? In this video the eye is from front view.
Amani Noor (Amu)
I tried following along with the demo.
faye zhang
Getting better one eye at a time 👁️‍🗨️
faye zhang
How I drew eyes in 2019-2020, so glad I’m learning how to draw them properly now
Nicole Guz
My try at following the demo
Hyunwook Kil
Eyes practice with an apple pencil
Rachel Dawn Owens
My second attempt!
Dang, good work man. You really understood the assignment
Martha Muniz
Beautiful :)
Samuel Sanjaya
following along with the video
Derek Adams
Did these probably a year or so ago. I’m now getting back into drawing again, and trying to be more consistent .
Alain Rivest
Here's my drawing I did while watching the real-time demo (and pausing a lot of time!). I used F, 4B and 6B pencils.
Awesome Rendering skills!
Hey, this is my very first try at drawing eyes. Started the course yesterday. Any feedback?
Derek Adams
Really Good! They even capture emotions
Here is my first attempt at eye exercises from the portrait fundamentals. Feedback is very much appreciated.
sean azzopardi
First attempt only had a regular pencil so couldn’t go super dark on the tone.
Derek Adams
Very Good, and believable
Sita Rabeling
First image is with graphite 4b on grainy paper - second was an earlier drawing with charcoal pencil on news print.
Arthur Gellet
Here is my drawing let me know if you have any advise would apreciate French btw
My practice today.
Today's practice
Hey there community, first time I post something I have painted. I would really appreciate feedback regarding the four eyes below. I practiced to get the proportions right lately but struggle on shading shadows etc. I felt also very exhausted when I finished one of these (one to two hours). Any tips on this?
I feel exhausted and struggle to sit through a few hour drawing session as well. Take a break, get up and do some chores, make a snack, go for a walk, do some yoga, etc. It's also like any other form of endurance: your body will get stronger and used to it over time (even though you think it's just your brain and arm, how can it be that hard? It really is the same as a strength building routine - I say this as someone who works out and draws/paints haha). If you're using a regular writing pencil, there is a limit to how dark those go. You can come in and emphasize the darkest regions with a ballpoint pen or marker (ballpoint pen is going to give you more ability for shading than a black marker which is going to only give you a flat black tone). I noticed that the eyes seem too wide open, and maybe a bit big, in all of these. I think that is our brain's natural tendency to 'normalize' or 'iconize' things. E.g., our brains subconsciously like to think of an eye as an icon of an eye, so when you draw one you may think about what you're drawing more than observing the actual abstract shapes. Try not to think of an eye (or any body part) as that body part, instead focus on the abstract shapes and angles that they form. I resized & traced over the photograph to give you a comparison.
practiced what I learnt
Tried this in photoshop. Would love feedback. Realize I have a lot to learn. Trying to practice intentionally.
Derek Adams
The eye ball is crazly real, but the rest lacks attention
I think you got the value and shape on the pupil and iris pretty good.You also rendered the eyelash pretty well. My biggest critique is the fact that I think you made the left upper eyelid a bit too light.I recommend darkening them to atleast the same value as the Iris.(Here's an example by Nicolai Fechin where he darkens the side of the eyes,if that help)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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