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Derek Adams
added comment inPractice: Shading Creatures
Asked for help
Seems, after takeing my pictures, I always see my mistakes, fix, retake, fix……. And then they look too over worked, and not that good…..
I feel, I'm not satisfied, and want to redue the assignments again, and again…..
Any suggestions?
Romain Decotte
Asked for help
Here’s my 5-tone value study. Took a tad longer than anticipated 😅!
I Think it looks good. I have trouble in my own studies, making the five value examples and then sticking to those and only those, which I think is Th he lesson; isolating those in our images.
Any feedback with how you've incorporated this?
Derek Adams
Asked for help
Getting frustrated, with not seeing results; moved to 3 tonal studies with marker…..?
A little more improvement.
It seems photographing your art work really highlights it's flaus.
Pedro Branco
Asked for help
Been studying anatomy this month, specifically how to draw the head. I'm pretty familiar with how the mouth works from a skeletal point but when it comes to lips I have a feeling that I'm not quite getting it.
Here's my practice for today. I'm more inclined towards comic art and I'm not confident when it comes to shading which is why you won't see much of it.
Any feedback is welcome.
Used these as models:
Think they all look really good, in that you understand the anatomy. I suppose shading would be an element to bring it to life as well as toning down the lips, for more realism’s…?
But that’s just my guess…?