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It was quite challenging to these. Also in pencil it takes a lot of patience and time...to find the difference between light shadow and dark light I think I could not find most of the time. Sometimes I tried to decide in favour of a better readable image.
seeing them now in these small scale in the comment section, I like them a little bit more.
Niklas Nilsson
Attempt #2 Much better than last one, but would love to hear your advice on more things to improve.
You really improved from first to second. I am not very experienced but I think to invest in your next drawing more time for accuracy in the proportions would help the likeness. For example the ear is to big and around the mouth something looks off. Also my images improved (in my opinion) from more consistent tones of the shadows. The more even and less smudged it is the more polished it looks for my taste. Best regards
Asked for help
I am not sure how to add 'Help Request' to a post in a special lesson... so below I tried painting some eyes: https://www.proko.com/s/9a2J
Hey there community, first time I post something I have painted. I would really appreciate feedback regarding the four eyes below. I practiced to get the proportions right lately but struggle on shading shadows etc. I felt also very exhausted when I finished one of these (one to two hours). Any tips on this?
I feel exhausted and struggle to sit through a few hour drawing session as well. Take a break, get up and do some chores, make a snack, go for a walk, do some yoga, etc. It's also like any other form of endurance: your body will get stronger and used to it over time (even though you think it's just your brain and arm, how can it be that hard? It really is the same as a strength building routine - I say this as someone who works out and draws/paints haha). If you're using a regular writing pencil, there is a limit to how dark those go. You can come in and emphasize the darkest regions with a ballpoint pen or marker (ballpoint pen is going to give you more ability for shading than a black marker which is going to only give you a flat black tone). I noticed that the eyes seem too wide open, and maybe a bit big, in all of these. I think that is our brain's natural tendency to 'normalize' or 'iconize' things. E.g., our brains subconsciously like to think of an eye as an icon of an eye, so when you draw one you may think about what you're drawing more than observing the actual abstract shapes. Try not to think of an eye (or any body part) as that body part, instead focus on the abstract shapes and angles that they form. I resized & traced over the photograph to give you a comparison.
Hello! I drew 10 figures and... well. Time was really a problem, I guess I was still too focused on contour and proportions. I’ll try to do better tomorrow (when I practice again). All of them were 2min drawings, and I couldn’t complete one because I lacked enough space for it (dumb me, I should’ve drawn that on another page). Comparing the 1st to the last, I think I’ve gotten better :). I also attached some references here (sorry I couldn’t attach all of them, the maximum files I can add are 10). Thanks in advance for anyone who critiques my drawings.
because I also struggle a lot on it I have seen that your line quality could be improved. May be it helps to have this in mind when drawing. Strong confident lines...
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