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added comment inProject - Notan Master Thumbnails
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Lv1 project. Any advice on where I’m lacking would be much appreciated.
Amu Noor
Great work! I think some of your values could be made clearer if less white of the paper showed through. If you want cleaner tone without having to spend a lot of time on it, try using the flat plane of dull pencil to get broader strokes of value that overlap each other. Hope this helps!
Carlo Julian
Asked for help
This was my favourite assignment of the course so far. I think I messed up a lot of the proportions and values but I'm still happy with how most of them turned out. I love the way my sheet of thumbnails looks as a whole. It's very inspiring to see how these great compositions can be boiled down to these tiny thumbnails and 3 values. This was a very valuable exercise for me.
Asked for help
caught up with the most recent project! I did a 2 value one and a three value one. Any points I can improve on? Should I have been a little bit more detailed with the 3 value one perhaps? Letting me know any of my mistakes helps me out a ton, so I have a lot of gratitude for that
On an unrelated note, now that I have caught up I was thinking on buying the anatomy of the human body course, figure drawing fundementals course, perhaps the new upcoming gesture course or even the figure construction one. Does anybody have any tips for me on what would be the best to buy first? I was more inclined to buy the figure drawing fundemental course or the anatomy of the human body one, but I am not sure what would be the better/wiser choice? Any advice?
Overall, I think you've done a great job separating your values clearly and you have a nice balance of big, medium, and small shapes. Your shading is also very nice and clean. I think you could make these thumbnails even better if you work a little smaller (to prevent adding too much detail) and think more about big swatches of value rather than focusing on the exact contour of the shapes. So you will be thinking more about the size, value, and placement of a shape rather than what the shape itself looks like. Your shapes are nicely designed and could be even better if you added some sharper corners to them in places, so that you have a balance of straights and curves. Great job!
I am no expert on anatomy or figure drawing but I have heard Stan advise to do figure drawing before anatomy, as the anatomy course assumes you already know some concepts that are covered in the figure drawing course.
Hope this helps!
Amu Noor
Asked for help
Lvl 1 project. This was a fun assignment but I probably got stuck on details in some of the more complex compositions and put in too many floating shapes.
Amu Noor
Asked for help
Lvl 1 project. Is it helpful to rotate the charcoal pencil to keep it round when using the overhand grip? My midtones in charcoal were very grainy even though I shaded with multiple layers.