How to Draw a Nose – Anatomy and Structure

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How to Draw a Nose – Anatomy and Structure

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Stan Prokopenko
Let's simplify the nose into its major planes to understand the perspective from various angles.
Nicole Guz
Trying to embed in my mind the anatomy.😵
Simplifying the nose from real life then rotating the simple shape from imagination.
Hi everyone, I would be grateful for some critique on minor planes exercise I did. I didn't attach references because it's not alike anyways. Thanks
these look great.
Low Horvath
“Be a creeper stare at people’s noses” - Stan
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/10/2023- Bottom Right.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/10/2023- Bottom Middle.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/10/2023- Bottom Left.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/10/2023- Top Right
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/10/2023- Top Middle
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/10/2023 - Top Left sorry for not uploading yesterday, so here are all of the Drawings for this week. (At least the first one anyway).
I'm finding model this helpful for turning the planes of the nose in space: Trying without it has been difficult.
Here is a nose drawing from imagination, i will do some reference studies later and add values color etc... Any feedback for this one please ?
Haizhen Wang
Hi guys, this is my Note from "How to draw a nose, anatomy and structure" Please point out If I made something wrong. Thanks
Gannon Beck
Good notes!
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Haizhen Wang. I think your notes, and the drawings in them are good! The most important part of your drawing training is practice. After you´ve made these notes, make sure you do the assignments, so that you can apply what you´ve learnt. The assignment for this part of the course is to: Draw the Nose Take a picture of your own nose or find some good photos online (get some with clear light and shadows). Follow Stan´s step-by-step lesson to complete the drawing. Rewatch the lesson to review all the anatomical details. Those take a few times to understand. ( ) If you haven´t done the assignments for the eye yet, do that too. Hope this helps and good luck :)
Alexandre Morais
Just started some noses :D Would appreciate some critiques. Feel free to help me with those eyes as well ^^ Thanks!
Erin :-)
Got carried away and drew an eye...... my nose came out short and not quiet turned the way I want for the reference Proko provided..... this is prevideo, anyone know how to fix it? I watched the video, but a ton of info, will need to watch a couple more times!🥴😋
Bradwynn Jones
Hi Erin! I don't have a reference to compare to but I think it would help to first draw (lightly) the underlying construction of the nose. Think about the keystone shape and the main ball-like cartilage of the nose and how the centerline flows over the forms. Hope this helps!
Asked for help
Hello! Do these noses feel solidly drawn/constructed? Thank you!
Alexandre Morais
wow they are really good! I would only try to work on the shading. Maybe put clear reflected light on shadow areas and some highlights to describe the form better :)
Sandro Liechti
Asked for help
Hi everyone. At the moment I’m learning to draw the head. I just started with the features, and also I’m practice shading. I always start by trying to establish the perspective with simple blocky forms. Then i try to add some anatomy, but thats kinda hard because of al the different kind of noses. If somebody has some tips on how to do it better, I would be very thankfull.
Very nice sketches! One thing that could certainly help is to establish guidelines for how the nose should sit on the rounded front plane of the face - on the second drawing, for example, it feels to me a bit like the left wing of the nose (to the right of the page) tilts down slightly too much. Another thing that comes to my mind right now is that maybe you could try defining beforehand the ethnicity of the person you're drawing, then you'd already narrow down a bit more how to solve the anatomy specifics of that nose in particular. Hope this helps, keep it up!
Katey Jensma
Asked for help
My first (only) attempt at a Proko nose
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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