faye zhang
faye zhang
Activity Feed
faye zhang
faye zhang
faye zhang
Getting better one eye at a time 👁️‍🗨️
faye zhang
How I drew eyes in 2019-2020, so glad I’m learning how to draw them properly now
faye zhang
faye zhang
faye zhang
I’m not good at knowing when to use heavier line weight
faye zhang
Rachel Dawn Owens
faye zhang
Nigel Tantrum
Comparing "Loomis Method Real Time Demo" to "3D Model: The Loomis Head" there would seem to be a difference. In the demo the a line goes from chin to the centre of the ear plane, whereas in the 3D model the same line goes to the end of the brow line. Is this a choice, is one preferred?
faye zhang
I thought someone answered this elsewhere but the 3D model is showing a side plane of the jaw (see Quickly Draw Heads with the Loomis Method – Part 1 2:48) The drawing on the right shows the cheekbone. Stan uses it in 11:22 of that same video. Choose whichever one is best suited to the reference.
faye zhang
This was a challenging (but fun) assignment, especially since form is my weakness. I need to work on my boxes and cylinders more, and I will check out Marshall’s perspective series and Draw a Box to help with that.
faye zhang
Revisiting these 2 years later, glad I have improved a lot since then 😌
faye zhang
Bird’s eye view This year’s sketch with Loomis head and last year’s color pencil rendition
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