Let's review your Cross Contour on Ginger Root People assignments. I’ll take a look through the most popular submissions and give advice on shape design and some of the recurring mistakes.

Jack H
My second attempt at ginger root people. This time, I focused on making them less "human-like" and tried my best to vary the different shapes of the body parts. I think there were mixed results, some looked good but there were some that looked off.
Overall this was a fun project, and aside from practicing cross-contours, this project also helped me practice a bit of character design, an aspect that I'm relatively poor at.
Stan, thank-you for the critique. What a fun project!

Pedro Branco
Hey Stan, thank you for the critiques.
I'd like to ask however, could I have some input on what I may be doing wrong with my submissions? A bit more specific feedback if possible.
This is a very important topic for what I want to do and when I look at what some of my more competent peers do I feel like it's just a whole other world and I'm missing like 90% of what they're able to do.
Anyone is fine I just want to know how to do this well. I know it's selfish and pretentious considering how many study under this course but I really feel like this is something I need to ask.

Thank you for the critique, really appreciated!

Fabian Ayala
@Stan Prokopenko To get that blurry effect I made a custom pencil brush in ToonBoom Harmony. Also, thanks for the critique

@Stan Prokopenko : Will there be a project on shape manipulation? (Bending, twisting, changing/cutting edges)
Best, Sniggy
Yes! Getting into that NOW! Check out the latest lesson. The project for it is coming next.

Thanks Stan, I'll take pretty good. Definitely feel like I'm learning the fundamentals on this course which is great. As long as I'm learning and improving I'm happy. Looking forward to the next lesson...
Lenserd martell
thank you stan!
Johannes S.
So close ...

Great critiques as always Stan! As someone who is less skilled but punctual, I was disappointed by sorting with popularity, but it's hard to argue with the results! Excited to for the rest of the course!
Mon Barker
Yo Stan! Thanks for the critiques. Biceps gingeroot bodybuilder looks more like he’s on the toilet?!! My wife said same 😭😭. Still some way to go with my concept execution then!! 😁 happy to hear they look 3D though. This was a great project 👍

Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Thanks for the critique, Stan. Yes, my silhouette was not clear on the poses that I tried from reference and the contour became too busy. I focused too much on the dynamics of the pose and lost the structure. So, many thanks to you for helping me out on these.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.