Activity Feed
More to do but uploading in case I miss the deadline.
Next set of 4. Had difficulty with eyes
Thanks Stan, I'll take pretty good. Definitely feel like I'm learning the fundamentals on this course which is great. As long as I'm learning and improving I'm happy. Looking forward to the next lesson...
Hey guys, hey Stan, I'd really love to hear your critique on my ginger root people. It feels like I've improved from zero to 3/(1000) in the last few months ;) That feels good. But I'm SURE I'm making a lot of mistakes in each of the projects. So please, please take a look at them and critique everything you can!!! I need your feedback. Thank you so much for your great work. Have a great week! Sniggy
Great work sniggy. I particularly like your vertical contour lines on the man; really give a good impression of perspective.
I found this exercise a lot more difficult than I imagined. Especially with letting them look Like ginger people.
Think you tried too hard to make they look like people. I had to keep telling myself that... Have a look a pictures of ginger and see what shapes you can see. Maybe draw some random shapes that look like ginger and see what your eye makes up. The contours themselves are good though. Keep up the good work Sashu.
onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
Hmm, the cross contour lines I added to gingermen doesn't describe forms well.
Great butt on the first guy Onigi.. Love the perspective. Contour lines read great to me.
Went heavy on the lines to show up on the images. Quite happy with the results and was fun. I'm sure Prof Proko will have something to say...
the shapes on your second one look very interesting . looks good
Maria Bygrove
Ginger warmup and an octopus exercise. I used the photo for reference but then designed most of the tentacles just to play with the twists etc. I'm not sure if it's anatomically correct, but I'm imagining the tentacles as flat on the inside and rounded on the outside and that's what I tried to indicate with the cross contours.
Octopus is fantastic. Your ellipses on the head are great. Reads really well to me.
Arthur Renzi
Comments welcome
Love the foreshortening on the left hand claw on the first lobster. Seal head shape is great. Not sure about the lower contour lines on the seal. Not sure where the eye line is supposed to be. If at the fin I think the lines below would be flatter? Great work, especially the octopus.
Last picture drawn was the stag beetle. Felt my line quality was pants on the ginger, seal (ahem the face caused me trouble) and the foot is my own flesh and blood drawn whilst sitting down. Changed from HB and 2B pencil to HB and 4B for the stag beetle as I was pushing really hard to get the outline on the ginger, seal and foot. Felt like I was holding on for dear life... Tried to relax more to improve line quality. Think my shapes are generally OK other than the seal face. Contours I give myself a B.
Maria Bygrove
I like the line variation between the outline and the cross contours on the ginger but I think you chose a difficult reference photo - looking at it straight from above there’s very little foreshortening to show.
Arthur Renzi
I think that the orientation of the cross contours on the seal's chest could be going front to back to show the bulge better. The face you drew looks cute. The beetle looks good.
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