Johannes S.
Johannes S.
Vienna, Austria
Activity Feed
Johannes S.
I am so proud that I finally managed to contribute to a video in this course! lol
I'm off the the optician tomorrow Johannes. S :)
Mon Barker
As a geologist by profession, this assignment was close to my heart. Some great tips by Philip in there and this was a neat exercise for practicing forms, designing on the fly and making things look 3D….lots of little learning clicks as you just draw. These are my final efforts inked over pencil with lots of erased poor designs and dead ends….lost the construction unfortunately. Some discussion in the video and notes on cracks, how they originate and how they are distributed….I’ll have to bite my tongue and spare you the details but to be honest, expert knowledge of subject matter kind of gets in the way…you get distracted by non-visually meaningful logic busts that would only matter to another boffin 😂
Johannes S.
Very cool work!
Dave Sakamoto
It was incredibly difficult to draw the letters but I had a fun time conceptualizing the words. I'm not sure if the subway idea comes thru. I didn't want to add too much detail to the typeface. I tried to add extra windows and a door but it looked too busy.
Johannes S.
Love the Cake!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Think logically. Take your time and match each angle to get the most of of your drawing.
Johannes S.
Johannes S.
Reminds me of Microsoft Word Art in the late 90ies. Fun times.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice serif typeface. Adds an extra level of sophistication to this project.
Maria Bygrove
Who knew perspective could be so much fun!
Johannes S.
Well, it is one of the FUN-damentals.
Johannes S.
Johannes S.
I love airplanes! I have a bunch of models and I doodle them during meetings and phonecalls. They are challenging in terms of perspective and memorizing proportions. These are sketches of Mig-15 and F-68 Sabres - they are early jet era planes and quite "blobb-like".
These are nice! The planes I wanted to draw as a kid!
Andreas Kra
Here, I stayed with the construction theme and sketched another piece of heavy machinery. I started by focusing on the simple geometry and then added more details in the second sketch.
Johannes S.
It is skewed. Which is funny cuz this happens to me too when I draw analog and don't sit upright ... you kind of "project" at an angle onto the paper. When you flip it horizontally it becomes apparent - but that can be easily fixed in Photoshop. The bigger issue: the two vanishing points don't share the same horizon and for 2point-perspective the vertical lines should be paralell. I am not sure if it is a good idea to work without any vanishing points. But, what do I know.
Johannes S.
I find it hard to motivate myself to do these studies ... I guess because they don't challenge creativity.
loes roos
I know. I am also not keen. However, I am trying to come up with my own compositions of my own drawings and checking if I can match it with a master that inspires me with the values. But I feel I spent too much time finding the right ones ... and that on top of everything else going on in the tourism high season, I am a parttime artist but the months december to march always are very minimal artist...
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