Choose an Object: Select something relatively simple or box-like in form, such as a household item or a geometric shape.
Initial Drawing: Draw the object in a three-quarter view without focusing on detail. Seek the basic structure as if it were contained within a box.
Repositioning: Without looking at the object, attempt to draw it again from a different angle. This challenges you to understand and mentally manipulate the whole object.
Iteration: Repeat this process at least three times, each time choosing a different position. Aim to show it foreshorten in various orientations.
Don't forget to share your work with the community!
This assignment is designed to help you break down complex objects into simpler, manageable forms, which is a crucial skill for mastering practical perspective.
Deadline - submit by January 20, 2025 for a chance to be in the critique video!
The more I did this exercise, the more it began to make sense to me on a purely, non-verbal, right brained level, haha. It's hard to explain what exactly this is doing, but I'll try.
The blob provides a strong sense of direction to build a shape on top of. There's almost a magical clarity that emerges the more you try to put any sort of cube/box shape around it. I found I couldn't help but see exactly where I wanted my lines in perspective to go once I got those contour lines of the blob in place.
The right side of your brain inherently understands direction before you can even consciously understand how to represent it on paper-- If you assign *direction* to a formless blob, you've already done the hardest part of the drawing. After that it's just adding details to a solid foundation.
Direction is so key here. Direction = foundation. It's the first step to carving into the paper, and assigning dimension to flat forms.
At least, that's what I think is going on, haha. Excellent lesson.
I will do more of these definitely, they scratch so many parts of my brain and re-establish the fact that even with the simplest of boxy shapes, redrawing things from different angles is hard. I think it's especially because throughout the 4 years since I've started drawing, I've overrelied on references and copying and it's high time I start to unlearn that habit.
Looking at my peers work, I think it was so much harder because there's an ellipses form in the structure of the bottle and also because u didn't use vanishing lines to plot I just sketched form my head freehand at first. I probably need to fix that
Here is my attempt at this assigment.
I took a break from this course for a few weeks because seeing the submissions from everyone is very intimidating as beginner. It is amazing seeing how amazing they are. It is also is very inspiring. Things can be two things right, haha.
I used the blob method for my assignment and used my iPad charger.
I'm not sure if I did this correctly, so any feedback is appreciated.
I also tried constructing this brutalist sculpture I found in the Brutalism subreddit using simple forms. Some of the slanted edges were a fun challenge, but overall I think using a couple of orthos to iron out the proportions before I got started would have helped me to space things out more accurately.
Not a total win in terms of final product but definitely taught me some things along the way!
This was fun and surprised me how challenging I found it.
I chose an old Samsung fast charger I found in my junk drawer since it was really blocky with just a few interesting features (the prongs, the two major boxes, and the charging slot). I mostly ignored the rounded corners for now.
I started with the charger standing up in 3/4 view and did a couple of thumbnails in loose 2-point perspective, then a couple of quick orthos to approximate its proportions.
After that, I tried drawing it laying down (without moving it, which would be cheating!)--once freehand and once more using a straight edge.
Finally, I did a view from beneath it, using 3-point to make it look larger/more dramatic. I'm pleased with how this one turned out other than the two metal prongs, which feel a bit wonky to me and I'm not sure why.
Thanks for any feedback you feel generous enough to share!
Been busy at work. Way late with this assignment.
the first few tries were not worth showing. but here are some of later tries at the 3d plane. Marshall was right, had to find some time to not be disturbed for one. And time flies when you are having fun. these took a few hours to do.
I scanned these drawings and rotated them to the appropriate orientation, but for some reason they will not maintain said orientation when I place them here. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tried some too... I always find myself ending up with a different angle than in the model after making the blob work. Propably my first blockin is already off.
I wanted to kindly inquire about the anticipated completion date for the course. Having invested in this program, I was particularly excited about the prospect of an updated version of Marshall’s old perspective course, as I deeply appreciate his insightful analysis of images and his ability to break down visual concepts.
While I’ve enjoyed the segments where Marshall analyzes images and explains their compositional elements, I was hoping for more detailed guidance on foundational techniques—such as placing vanishing points, constructing accurate squares and cubes, and mastering ellipses.
First try on this, used something simple like my eraser, took many photos of it in different angles, but only posted some of them of as to not bury the actual drawing page among them, I think my line quality and confidence has improved thanks to the line exercises by Peter, but I still work too dirty, have to work on that. Any criticism is appreciated! Gonna check the blob method video now.
A big reason why I decided to join this course was to see other people's work and assignments and learn from each other! I would love to get some criticisim and advice on my work as well since I'm the only one in my family and friend groups who even thinks about drawing, it's difficult to get a sense of community out here. I tried to keep every sketch at less than two minutes which you may criticise as well if you feel like I should settle down a bit.
I am late to submit but I was caught up with other lessons and life. Today I took the time to work on everything at once. So everything is mixed together. I decided on scissors and barely scrapped the surface of this matter. But this is what I got.
I did this one with just fun and intuition before seeing the demonstration next lesson, so I could make my mistakes thus they are not great (and proportions are all over). but when I started this exercise yesterday I could not rotate from imagination (only one train is based on an object rest are made up) and I’m proud of myself for figuring it out. after a few failed attempts, I think I am starting to get it. How cross contours on the blobs can be the plane lines dividing boxes in half, how they tell us the three axes if we look carefully, and they even show how foreshortened the boxes should be. And I’m starting to see things less as lines and more as objects with fronts, backs, tops, bottoms and sides. This was very illuminating. I knew some of the theory, but it didn’t make proper sense until now. (it’s hard to explain haha). Still need mileage because my vps are off in a lot of places. Going to head into the demonstration next to see if I was right :3
I did about 50 of those but this page was the last bunch and the thing that I've started paying attention too by the end is preserving the proportions so it actually looks like the same object in different angles and not just boxes. I will keep practicing!
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Don't forget to share your work with the community!
This assignment is designed to help you break down complex objects into simpler, manageable forms, which is a crucial skill for mastering practical perspective.
Deadline - submit by January 20, 2025 for a chance to be in the critique video!