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added comment inAssignment - Know Your Tools Challenge
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Well it's about a thousand years late, but here's my practice! This is a good exercise. I'm going to add it to my rotation.
This is a great exercise for figuring out which directions you have trouble pulling lines in! As a righty, I was not at all surprised to find that my best lines are bottom-left to top-right, and my worst lines are top-left to bottom-right.
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Week 3, attempt 2 - twelve more hands and feet!
This was a great challenge. I've got a long way to go, but seeing how much I can improve in just 3 weeks is really encouraging. I can only imagine the gains if you did this daily for a year or two.
Fantastic submissions everyone, and good luck!!
I felt exactly the same. I had the exact same thoughts. Glad you also felt like you leveled up going through this challenge. I hope a lot of us did. These look pretty nice. Nice job.
Fantastic gesture! Love how dark your lines get in the occlusion shadows between the fingers and toes.
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Week 3, attempt 1!
I was NOT expecting to have to draw hands and feet for this challenge! This was fun but very difficult. I haven't put in my hours studying hands and feet and hands in particular are still really tough for me. There are just so many forms and plane changes and overlaps that I just can't keep track of them all, even as I'm telling myself, "it's just a box with some cylinders attached, how hard can it be?"
That being said, I recognize at least one of these hands (bottom-right!) from the drawing basics course. Last time I drew that hand, it took me an evening - this time it took me 5 minutes! In other words... I'm improving! And hey, that's what it's all about, right?
Anthony Hernandez
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My submission for the Gesture Drawing Challenge:
1. Week 1 - Dynamic Movement
16 1-minute poses
10 5-minute poses
2. Week 2 - Static Poses
12 5-minute poses
3. Week 3 - Hands and Feet
12 5-minute poses
4. Bonus - Expressions
17 5-minute poses
Great challenge! Thanks for the sample reference images and for considering my submission.
Your hands and feet look incredible. It's also really impressive that you can capture those expressions in such a short amount of time. It doesn't look like you do any construction!?
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Week 2, attempt 3!
Sometimes I feel like all the different techniques I've learned for figure drawing are competing in my brain to be the approach I take for any given drawing. I guess part of figuring out your own unique workflow is determining which blend of techniques works for you.
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Week 2, attempt 2!
The jellybean people are back! I like the colors. They make me happy.
There are some parts of figure drawing that still aren't clicking for me, but I'm feeling the improvement even since starting this challenge. I really like the 5-minute poses. I know that as a beginner I should be trying to do more poses quickly, but 30-second and 1-minute poses just feel way too rushed a lot of the time.
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My submission for week 02
it's getting more excited what comes next ,and glad to see other peoples works and stuft here !!
HOW can you capture so much anatomy and shading in 5 minutes ToT Incredible work! I have a new gold standard to hit.